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The Official 'i Just Bought...' Thread


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Wells FTW.


However... isnt what comes out of your faucet required to be fit for consumption?





No, they just have to warn you it isn't..... so just having city water doesn't guarantee you anything.

Its called population control i suppose all those chemicals can't be healthy. Actually I remember reading a conspiracy theory about some government putting some contraception drug in the water system.

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No, they just have to warn you it isn't..... so just having city water doesn't guarantee you anything.

Its called population control i suppose all those chemicals can't be healthy. Actually I remember reading a conspiracy theory about some government putting some contraception drug in the water system.


I remember seeing a video about that. Supposedly kills off your sperm or something like that. I'll try to dig it up later.

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No, they just have to warn you it isn't..... so just having city water doesn't guarantee you anything.

Uh, what?


The water that comes out of the tap is guaranteed to be potable except for notified cleaning/flushing days. http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/



They have to warn you for short term changes in water potability. You cannot legally have water service that is not safe to drink.

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Ha ha, yes those of us who have pure water pumped out of the ground sometimes forget that for most people what comes out of the faucet is undrinkable.:teehee:

+1 I was raised on well water and can't drink city garbage. I know it's safe and clean, but purified treated water tastes like crap.

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