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Need A Good P45 Board

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I posted in Trim's thread but didn't want to hi jack it and i also had a few questions. First off i'm new here and it's nice to meet you guys. I'm working on building a new gaming rig and have decided to go with the e8500 but am having trouble deciding on a motherboard, i think i've finally set my sights on the following boards, it will be overclocked buy just wanted some opinions and a reason why you chose what you did











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The UT has only just been released, so it's a bit early to make a call on it yet. I've had mine since friday and so far she's looking good. If you can wait a couple of weeks to see the UT results, it could well be worth the wait.

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I have the biostar tpoer and have been able to hit 5ghz 3d benchmark stabvle on water more than once, it has very user friendly bios options to, unlike the DFI and ASUS P45's that have 30,000 options and moving one can . up the whole day. I highly suggest the biostar, even for quads they have gotten well over 550 fsb and for a quad that is ALOT.

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