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Overclocking My Athlon


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Hi guys.


ive got an athlon 64x2 5000+ in my new rig, which should be completed tomorrow as im supposed to be betting my hard drive. anyway ive never overclocked before and have heard amds cpus arnt as good as overclocking (you know...more likely to fry..)


Anyway, so i was wondering if you guys could tell me the sort of mhz i could get it to and what i should raise to what and so on.


I have a coolermaster 330 elite and an ASrock alive-nf5-esata2 board. is the cooling going to be enough? ive just stuck on the stock hs/f for my cpu.


so what mhz could i get my cpu with this rig.


thanks to replys up ahead.

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Is this the black edition of the AMD 5000 x2?, what ram do you have? also the stock heatsink might not work to well, it would be recommended to buy an aftermarket heatsink. What kind of overclock are we talking here? Also that motherboard doesnt sound too good for overclocking, but im sure you can crank out a couple MHz or so. A goal would be about 2.8-2.9GHZ If you easily reach those clocks just keep testing for 3GHz.

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its not a back edition (atleast i dont see the words "black editon on it" haha...... :closedeyes: )


ive got 2 gig kingston dd2 800mhz ram. The psu...i havent a clue what make it as, ive been asked that before in previous posts but it doesnt say anywhere. A friend gave it to me, its just a simple 400W without any pciE connectors but works well. No, i dout i will get a great overclock with these components but i want to overclock the rig the best i can mainly for experience perposes.


thanks guys :typing:


Oh yeah, and i'l look into buying a new hs/f. I'l just peak into my trusty custom pc mags

Edited by dat93

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Some would argue that the single most important component in your PC is the PSU. With a generic one you may not be able to overclock at all, especially with an Asrock board as they are not really setup for overclocking. Don't take any kind of overclocking guide as gospel, per se, every CPU and setup will react differently, even if you have an exact replica of another successfully overclocked rig. This thread, however, may help get you started.

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If it's a Brisbane core it will hit 3Gs on stock vcore....(1.35v) all of them i have tested will without issue....


I have had all of them hit 3.2ghz on 1.4v and 3.4ghz on 1.45v...after that it's a crap shoot...


my BE will hit 3.6ghz on 1.55v

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