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What Race Issue?


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I was watching ABC today and they said that if Obama looses the election it proves US is racist.


I actually feel the exact opposite here.


Poll results

Black American Break down

94% of Black Americans are voting for Obama only 3% McCain

98% of Democrat Black Americans are voting for Obama

89% of Republican Black Americans are voting for Obama only 7% McCain


White Break down

38% of White Americans are voting for Obama 56% McCain

92% of Republican White Americans are voting for McCain 5% for Obama

32% of Democrat White Americans are voting for McCain 49% for Obama (lots of undecided here)



Call me silly but I see about 3x the racial tolerance in White Americans than in Black Americans.


When are news channels gonna run those numbers?


Edited by Rodneyho

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Call me silly but I see about 3x the racial tolerance in White Americans than in Black Americans.

This seems to me to be an incredibly shallow view of the issues.


There's absolutely no indications of WHY these votes were cast, which would be the only real way you could determined "racial tolerance" like this. Just because a black person votes for a black candidate instead of a white one doesn't mean they're intolerant. What ever happened to the issues?

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This seems to me to be an incredibly shallow view of the issues.


There's absolutely no indications of WHY these votes were cast, which would be the only real way you could determined "racial tolerance" like this. Just because a black person votes for a black candidate instead of a white one doesn't mean they're intolerant. What ever happened to the issues?



I was saying based on the same logic that ABC news used. I think its stupid. People in general usually vote for 2 reasons...

Party Affiliation or Candidate Association. This poll does indicate that on the Republican side this is not happening 89% of black Republicans are voting for a democrat? Not even close to what the white portion of Republicans are voting which means its not a party shift it is indeed that the black republicans rather vote a black person in because of other reasons. (maybe race maybe they just associate with him but bottom line that same feeling is not hitting white voters so they call it racist... funny to me. If you gonna call it it has to be on the Black not the White side of the fence was my point.

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I was saying based on the same logic that ABC news used. I think its stupid. People in general usually vote for 2 reasons...

Party Affiliation or Candidate Association. This poll does indicate that on the Republican side this is not happening 89% of black Republicans are voting for a democrat? Not even close to what the white portion of Republicans are voting which means its not a party shift it is indeed that the black republicans rather vote a black person in because of other reasons. (maybe race maybe they just associate with him but bottom line that same feeling is not hitting white voters so they call it racist... funny to me. If you gonna call it it has to be on the Black not the White side of the fence was my point.

Maybe it is due to current events? People who vote blindly by party affiliation are just as ignorant as those who vote by race IMO. I can see how you are drawing your conclusions, but I don't see any sense behind them.


Numbers are only that, numbers. They can be manipulated by the media to defend any argument that will be considered good publicity - and therefore make them more money.

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This seems to me to be an incredibly shallow view of the issues.


There's absolutely no indications of WHY these votes were cast, which would be the only real way you could determined "racial tolerance" like this. Just because a black person votes for a black candidate instead of a white one doesn't mean they're intolerant. What ever happened to the issues?



I would agree with that if I didn't have several conversations with some of the black employees where I work. They couldn't give me a single issue they agreed with him on or anything he stood for. One guy actually said he will do great things for Black people. That is just plain ridiculous. This just confirms he is voting for Obama based on race which is fine because that's what America is all about. That's also why the electoral college was brought about. Can't trust people to make rational choices.

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I would agree with that if I didn't have several conversations with some of the black employees where I work. They couldn't give me a single issue they agreed with him on or anything he stood for. One guy actually said he will do great things for Black people. That is just plain ridiculous. This just confirms he is voting for Obama based on race which is fine because that's what America is all about. That's also why the electoral college was brought about. Can't trust people to make rational choices.

Yes, there will be plenty of blacks who vote for Obama because he's black. There will also be plenty of whites that don't vote for him because he's black. It'll go both ways, but that doesn't change the fact that the numbers presented in the OP really aren't enough to draw any conclusions from.

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I was saying based on the same logic that ABC news used. I think its stupid. People in general usually vote for 2 reasons...

Party Affiliation or Candidate Association. This poll does indicate that on the Republican side this is not happening 89% of black Republicans are voting for a democrat? Not even close to what the white portion of Republicans are voting which means its not a party shift it is indeed that the black republicans rather vote a black person in because of other reasons. (maybe race maybe they just associate with him but bottom line that same feeling is not hitting white voters so they call it racist... funny to me. If you gonna call it it has to be on the Black not the White side of the fence was my point.


In 2004, Kerry got 88% of the African American vote whereas George W. Bush got 11%. Black people aren't voting for Obama only because he's black, it's because he's a Democrat and they have always counted on getting massive black majorities in elections. Just because Obama is running has no significant impact on the black community when it comes to how they'll vote.

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I did not write this. It's attributed to a black talk show host in LA. I don't know how to verify the percentage claims, so take it with a grain of salt, though the 50% caucasian part is verifiable. A little digging seems to support the claims that Obama wouldn't be our first partially black president anyway...


Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya, his father's family was mainly Arabs. Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro).


What does this mean? Maybe nothing. But, why is Obama trying to hide this? Why does he try to hide is middle name? Why does he try to hide the religious Muslim school he attented as a child in Indonesia? Why doesn't he set the record straight that he wouldn't be the first black President? Why so many cover-ups and hiding of the truth?


Further, at only 6.25% African Negro, would he even be the first President who was part black? Not at all! Our 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson was our first part black President. And he's not alone, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge were also part black.


President Andrew Jackson was the son of an Irish woman who married a black man. Andrew Jackson was such a high percentage black that his oldest brother was sold as a slave!


President Abraham Lincoln was the illegitimate son of an African man, he had very dark skin and coarse hair and his mother also allegedly came from an Ethiopian tribe. His heritage fueled so much controversy that Lincoln was nicknamed "Abraham Africanus the First" by his opponents.


President Warren Harding never even denied claims that he was black, because he had black ancestors between both sets of parents and he attended Iberia College, a school founded to educate fugitive slaves.


President Calvin Coolidge was proud of his heritage and claimed his mother was dark because of mixed Indian ancestry. Coolidge's mother's maiden name was "Moor" and in Europe the name "Moor" was given to all blacks just as "Negro" was used in America.

Edited by 94Camaro

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