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Firstly I am not arguing I am stating my opinion and some facts your entiltled to your opinion too and thats alright I just dont support our boys being killed to fix other countries internal problems and beleive me if there was no oil there there would be no freeing the iraqy people or the fact that iraq is the second largest oil producing nation just a huge coincedence beleive what you want and dont question anyones motives everyone in goverment is ohh so honest ha ha ha ha ha ha haa a ahahahaaaah

The difference between my opinion and yours is that Im always right

no matter what the topic is, and if you disagree you're wrong :P

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I am not anti-US, far from it, have been there many times and have family over there, but their current government is crooked and in fact illegally elected. What the US needs to do now, is get the hell out of Iraq and let the people decide its future, cause it has no right to occupy it an longer.

crooked and in fact illegally elected???

What do you know about U.S. politics?

Nothing i presume................

Last i checked buddy 86% of IRAQIS WANT US THERE

that was an internal poll as well :)

So you want us to leave with our tails in between our legs because of 14%.....

No We stay the course... just like Bush said today...... ;)

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In case you haven't noticed, Iraqi people are now in charge of Iraq... the Coalition forces are acting more as police and bodyguards until Iraq become stable again. If it were Occupation, we would be telling the Iraqi people what to do... Hitler's control over Paris was Occupation... We are helping Iraq do what they couldn't do.

It is a joke right?


Who chose this gouvernment? The Iraqueses with a legal election? Nah.... you know who chose it! <_<

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It is a joke right?


Who chose this gouvernment? The Iraqueses with a legal election? Nah.... you know who chose it!  <_<

Umm.... I don't know where YOU HAVE BEEN, THE IRAQI'S HAVE chosen their own gov't, WE have just been there as the "referee" to make sure EVERYOBODY withing their cultures (i.e. difft muslims, shiites, kurds, sunnis, etc.) has a representative form of democracy, but you don't do your reading so don't know about these problems they face...

Who do you think controlled IRAQ b4, SADDAM AND HIS SUNNIS... therefor we are their so everyone has a representative in retrospect to the population.....


When did democracy happen overnight.... Last time i checked it took Russia 12 years to regain their economy again after the cold war.....

Nobody says democracy happens overnight, WE ARE THEIR to make sure it DOES HAPPEN, instead of total anarchy like d3 said...



BTW the IRAQI GOV't IS A TEMPORARY AUTHORITY till they host "real elections"

Notice the word "temporary"

Edited by AYoKoNA

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I'm from the UK and I fully supported the US led invasion of Iraq,

Saddam Hussian was a ruthless power crazed murdering dictator who did have chemical/biological weapons he used them in Iran and he used them in his OWN country on his OWN people, the world IS a safer place without Saddam in power

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Wow, this post got long overnight....no way i'm reading this whole thing....so i just read bits and pieces.



emissary, the fact that you state the U.S. govt is "illegally elected" just confirms your ignorance on U.S. politics. Seeing as you're not an American, i can understand this, but then you shouldn't be throwing around insubstantiated remarks regarding something you know little about. Some people in other countries found it amusing concerning the "controversy" with the election results. What i found amusing was these people actually thinking something went wrong with the election and trying to mock the U.S. because of it. They know little about the U.S. political system. The electoral vote that determines the president of the U.S. NEVER has been mandated in stone that it HAS to be equal to the popular vote. One citizen's vote means absolutely nothing. It is the consensus that INFLUENCES the electoral college to vote in a certain way. And even so, the electoral college can technically do as they please, as they are elected to do so. It wasn't the first time the popular vote and electoral vote didn't coincide, and it probably won't be the last. Yes, usually the result of the electoral vote is the same as the result for the popular vote, but it doesn't have to be. Take a course on U.S. Politics if you want to understand, I'm not here to lecture you. But most of us Americans here look at your post and merely see ignorance and naivety.




oh, and like AYoKoNA stated, the govt that is "in place" right now is only temporary, and is meant to rebuild the Iraqi economy and political climate. It IS necessary for our troops to oversee things there, because there are still some of the elite guard out there and other anti-everybody people out there that would cause chaos if they weren't. Once the economy is stabilized, and order is restored, an election will take place, and shortly after that we'll be able to withdraw a lot of our troops, but we'll still have a presence there...we have to. The Middle East is an unruly environment, and people have to realize that our troops have been stationed in various places in the Middle East even before this "war" began. The fact that we helped overthrow the corrupt Iraqi govt, will help our military presence there. The new govt that will be in place, as well as the Iraqi ppl, are and will be very grateful for the U.S., and know they have a great ally in us. Thus, they will "allow" our military to have a presence there and set up bases and depots. One thing you have to remember is, war is inevitable part of life. We learned after WWI and II, and even with Desert Storm, that we need to have artillery and the sorts in place in case of problems. There's certain Tanks and armoured vehicles that cannot be carried via aircraft. Thus the only way to transport them is by ship. To do so in the midst of war, not only takes time, but also runs the risk of it being attacked before the transport is accomplished. That is one of the reasons we have artillery stationed in various areas around the world, so if a crisis occurs, we don't have to wait a month for artillery to arrive by sea. I'm sure if you asked most Iraqi's, they feel much more comfortable with a U.S. military presence right now, than if they were left alone, so the benefits are seen by both sides.

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You know what....I'll slove this the easy way...

How many Americans have been killed due to "known terrorist groups" since 1970 - including 9/11. I guarntee that number to be almost double if you use Israealis instead of Americans. And we, the Americans, pressure Israel into not attacking other countries? BULL!


Americans, including myself, do things for ourselves and EVERYONE knows it, wether they admit it or not. It's my firm belief that world is just a game played by politicans, and when we die, so be it. Everything happens for a reason guys...remember that.

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You know what....I'll slove this the easy way...

How many Americans have been killed due to "known terrorist groups" since 1970 - including 9/11.  I guarntee that number to be almost double if you use Israealis instead of Americans.  And we, the Americans, pressure Israel into not attacking other countries? BULL!


Americans, including myself, do things for ourselves and EVERYONE knows it, wether they admit it or not.  It's my firm belief that world is just a game played by politicans, and when we die, so be it.  Everything happens for a reason guys...remember that.

Your absolutely RIGHT ON THE DOT Devil...


I am Israeli, moved here when i was 5 yrs old, but anyways I believe the U.S. does what they do, as far as pressuring Israel, because the Arabs view Israel as Satan in the Middle East... Most Arabs don't want us there, why, because they are afraid that our democratic ways will spread..

They are complaining about Israeli land and they have 19 other Arab countries....

The U.S., doesn't want to disrupt their "arab" allies (i.e. Saudia Arabia) for Oil, thats the bottom line, AND I am Israeli and DONT DISAGREE with it...

Why get them mad, and pay more here for oil..

Israel in a way helps the U.S. undercover, but on the front page of things... they look passive...

As soon as democracy spreads in the Middle East, ARAB leaders are going to wake up to a HUGE AWAKENING, when they see Iraq thriving.....

They feel threatened...... IMHO

Edited by AYoKoNA

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For the most part, I agree with you about our positioning internationally. I for one would love to see the U.S. let Isreal loose on the Middle East, but unfortunately, that probably won't happen unless a major world war breaks out. Isreal owes a lot to the U.S., so unfortunately, they sort of have an obligation to listen to them, and for now, none of our administrations have allowed Isreal to "fight back". Hopefully one day, Isreal will be allowed to blow the crap out of the PLO's. One can dream :)

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I hope that you all know that the US is not part of the UN... We set it up andthen backed out. so... if countrys are a part of the UN that dont meen thathay our frends... joust filling you in. dont bite my head off or anything.

I agree... the U.N. is a shaky and irrelevent organization...


I heard this reporter ask Bush...

What is the U.S.'s position on breaking International Law by discluding France, Germany, and Russia on rebuilding contracts?


Bush's response...

I must have forgot to call my lawyer..... LoL :D

Edited by AYoKoNA

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