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Half-Life 2: Orange Box giveaway contest!


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I hate Angry_Games because he('s):


1. WHIPPED and not man enough to deny it


2. TOO PRETTY for hockey and embarasses all the players when he shows up at the rink


3. TOO IGNORANT to realize that 600x800 is the same size as 800x600


4. PRETENDS NOT TO KNOW that it's the one wearing the dress (him) that get's bloodied




6. GET'S BY without having a real job


7. HATES VISTA more than I do


8. COLOR BLIND forum designer




10. COERCED ME into coming up with 10 when I had only 6

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So who is the winner? :confused:


We are currently in the process of taking votes from the mods on this, the results should be posted in a few days.


All entrants of course have forfeited any and all rights by entering this contest. This includes but is not limited to being forced to watch one of the worst movies of all time (The Godfather of course) in real time with Travis playing the head honcho himself. You, of course, are playing the people that piss him off. I can't wait to see how this plays out!


Have fun all!!



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We are currently in the process of taking votes from the mods on this, the results should be posted in a few days.


Thanks for the update.


All entrants of course have forfeited any and all rights by entering this contest. This includes but is not limited to being forced to watch one of the worst movies of all time (The Godfather of course) in real time with Travis playing the head honcho himself. You, of course, are playing the people that piss him off. I can't wait to see how this plays out!


Have fun all!!




It’s not the first time I’ve been in harms way. I haven’t been in a good gun fight since I returned to the States. :rolleyes:

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