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What's going on with the weather?

Guest r3d c0m3t_merged

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Guest Blooz1

Awww, who did that song?


"It never rains in California,

But boy, don't they warn you.

It pours,

Man, it pours."

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Guest RandallTank
Awww, who did that song?


"It never rains in California,

But boy, don't they warn you.

It pours,

Man, it pours."




never even heard of it or him before


RandallTank I'm sorry but reason and logic will just not be accepted on this subject. :rolleyes::sweat::angel:


But I salute your bold political incorrectness.


Thank You, i pride my self on being correct but not politically correct

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Hey heh sorry for not getting back. Yeah that snippett of Lyric is still pretty popular down here in SoCal. I didnt realize how old I am that that these ancient (trying to be clever) little quips of mine might seem a little too Lost in Space heh. Well guess what...yep. Rain forcasted for today and its already clouding up nicely. Im gonna throw some detergent on the oil spots in the driveway and take a broom to them when the rain starts.

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Guest Blooz1

I hear ya,wevsspot!


It was 2F here this AM, with windchill factored in was -14F!


Just another day in Paradise - glad I didn't have to go out!

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Guest Blooz1

I lived in the Bay Area for 7 years.


I can remember it raining for a solid week on numerous occasions, and lots of flash flooding.


The thing that used to make me laugh like hell out there was thunderstorms! The same people who used to be so unconcerned about small earthquakes would be absolutely terrified during a thunderstorm!

(Just for background for people who've never been there - in that part of California you'd only get 1 or 2 thunderstorms in a year, if that!)

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All I know is I am ready for warmer weather....Got about 14inches of snow yesterday and going outside sucks...been hiding indoors since before X-Mas....:)


Was it that bad down here Dr.? I was back in mid-Michigan with my family and we got 7-9inches up there. I know there's the lake effect, but dang thats a big difference...


My theory is that the seasons don't follow our calendar schedule -seems like its a month off. If right now was December 3rd, everything would be in synch. i.e. gets hotter in July/Aug v.s. Aug/Sept, lots of snow in Dec v.s. January etc...

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As the ice-shelf in Greenland has retreated due to all this anthropogenic global warming, it uncovered something quite remarkable - HUMANS!


Well not literally humans, but the remains of a human settlement or colony - Vikings to be exact. Houses, pastures, cobble-stone walls and walkways. Norse settlements there are believed to have approached 3000 persons at its height.


In fact, Iceland has been colder than normal in the past 50 years, and a lot colder than it was 1000 years ago when these folks arrived and said "Wow, look at all the lush green fields, plenty of pasture land. We can even grow stuff in that. Stop the freaking boat!"


Its gonna be pretty funny in the next global warming/cooling cycle 1500 years from now, when all the scientists are crying about the catastrophic consequences of the melting ice sheets, which have retreated by several miles and....WHAT IS THAT? Its one of those damned Sport Utility Vehicles from 2023. How'd that get under the ice sheet?


"I thought you said this whole area has been under 10 feet of ice cap and snow pack for like...100,000 years?"


"Well, I didn't say it definitely was for sure 100,000 years. I said it was probably 100,000 years."


"No, asshat. You said at first it could be up to 100,000 years, but right around the time that those reporters started calling and quoting you in the newspaper, you started to say this was a definite thing. You said at least 100,000 years - for sure."


"I did?"


"Uh...Hello! At least 20 times."


"Well, yes, hehe. What I meant was, it could have been up to 100,000 years, but possibly less."




I wish I could be around to see it. :D

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