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Freezone Coolit CPU cooler


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Heres a few shots of the unit installed. I have to say Coolit systems has there act togather on this unit. Fantastically easy to install. great manual with great pictures of step by step. The way they pack this for shipping, well it could survive the samsonite gorilla or for people to young to know what that means

how about the absoulute worst UPS employee.




The overall quality of packaging, manual and the unit itself makes this something to save the $ for or sell stuff so you can get one. and I have'nt even powered it up yet.


i'm going to be saving the rest of the photos and results of testing for a possiable review for the street.

testing is going to involve a 148 opteron and a 3500+ clawhammer(my little hot plate)

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130nm hot plate!


Looking forward to the review.



The clawhammer should be a good test for the freezone. Even my best WC'ing

struggled with a 2763MHz. OC on that clawhammer.

Should have my video card for the system in a couple of days. and then I will get to testing.

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Sweet. Since OldGuy got one way back when, ive been wanting to try one out but the cashflow hasnt permitted it....especially since what i have does the job good enough for me.


Looking forward to seeing the review :D

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bah i keep forgetting to have Tmod give you access to the beta/review section cat =(


trying to open the content site by Saturday but probably won't even get it done until Monday. I'll see if I can get him to let you in tomorrow when he wakes up, then just read the important bits (basically same stuff as in the VIP section), see what we've got in various states of disrepair, and then start building yours up and I'll get with you to stab you with some rules and shoot you with some wisdom.



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