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Official LanParty ICFX3200-T2R/G Overclocking Help/Discussion


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concerning you calling stupid to overclokers that spend quite some time testing and finding the limit to the machines...using phase or dryce just for the fun....and you tell that is just showing off for kiddies and stupids.....


A computer that can't be used is stupid.


some ppl like racing cars....others go phishing or hunting......others like to download movies and encode them....


Let's stick with that. A car that can go from 0-100 in 2 seconds that can't drive more than a quarter mile is stupid for the purpose of traveling. A boat(since I can't come up with a decent fishing analogy, but close enough) that can do 1000 MPH for four seconds is stupid for the purpose of traveling. A gun that is powerful enough to shoot a bullet through a bear, than a deer behind it, but that only works for one shot before you have to replace the whole gun is stupid(well, maybe not - unlike the 5 GHz computer that can be used for a minute with a non-intensive task, this actually gets something done).


There's nothing wrong with pushing your system to the limit, but racing to make it just stable enough to hit prntscrn and save it in paint is, in my opinion, stupid. There are no tasks for a computer where this kind of setup puts you at an advantage. I didn't say it was fact, you are free to do what you want with your computer. I don't think it's right to tell someone they can't make their computer unuseable if they want to pay for that. But for me, a computer that is only good for five minutes in windows after running cpu-z and paint, is completely useless.


And that goes for any brown noser to


You don't have to be brown nosing to say that a computer that can't run anything is useless.


Wouldn't ya though? Asus is charging over 400 bucks for the Striker...400 bucks!!! For the same overall performance as an Infinty at 170!!! 230 more for a few more FSB and some flashy lights and LED's Just drop some LSD and you'll get the same effect for a whole lot less!!!


The striker is actually worse than the infinity. Less settings, but I don't expect much from ASUS after owning one of their boards. It's $400 because people will buy it. Paradigm sells the Studio 20 that sounds the same(if not ever so slightly worse due to a hump at 100 hz) as the Axiom M22ti for almost twice as much.. $440 vs $800. Tons of people buy it, so why lower its price? It's not sold for what it's worth, it's sold for what it can be sold at.


As for the chipset cooler, Happy, I never said I didn't know it wasn't standard. I acknowledged that it wasn't a standard mount, and understand the cips are in a completely weird place so the two hooks I got with my waterblock are useless because they won't fit. My query was towards using the clips that hold the stock cooler down, with an aftermarket waterblock. The clips holding the stock chipset cooler down look like they'll fit onto any waterblock that uses those things to hold the heatsink/waterblock onto the board. The only other thing I can think of is that the hooks won't physically fit into the board's clips, even assuming the hooks were the proper distance.

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There's nothing wrong with pushing your system to the limit, but racing to make it just stable enough to hit prntscrn and save it in paint is, in my opinion, stupid



:confused: :confused:


did i talked about SS





single 8800 gtx




i dont make SS.....

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i think that is enough of this discussion. Whatever you do/write you can't change some people's opinions, and in this instance I am also with steel. So who is trying to convince he or me to say 511fsb is good for everybody, is wrong IMO.


What he said and what I said was, our expectations were little bit higher on the front side bus speed - that's it. He is sure and I am also sure that this mobo is one kick-azz dfi product with all bios settings and virtually no vdroop. Furthermore, highly likely this motherboard will be enough for millions of users (prolly 98% of the users).


BUT, he has the option to go further - I have the option to go further by using excotic cooling systems. Referring above 2%... I was firmly believing that Ultra-d was produced for that 2% in mind and hoped that rd600 will also be like that.


What was the percentage of people complaining about their mobo in good old socket 939 days due to their low htt speed. DFI was there to give the option to hit highest htt levels, and we were looking for better cpu's or ram or cooling system to fully utilize the mobo. In this C2D world, we started to look for better MOBO's rather than cpu or ram!!


After you build something which was the KING, you sure put some expectations to end users. Especially after waiting for months and months... For some, it's stability, for others it's benching - calling names to different users is plain wrong.


everybody should mind their own business.


After someone is saying, look I need more than 511+ fsb because all my other parts are capable, but not mobo - what can you say? Only answer is go find another mobo if you wish - that's it, nothing more...


I don't think this is poor bandwidth usage, but i am not gonna write again before I get my rd600...

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Guest eva2000
if you think it will work on teh RD600 then by all means you go ahead and try to install it


but if you read my words, you will understand that part that says IT WILL NOT FIT BECAUSE THE HOOK MOUNTS ON THE RD600 ARE NOT THE SAME AS THE NORMAL INTEL CHIPSET HOOK-MOUNTS.


if you get it to install fine and dandy but any chipset cooler that fits a normal Intel chipset will not fit this RD600.


I would assume you could take my word on this since I actually have an RD600 and more than a couple Intel motherboards and would have already tested this almost first thing when I pulled the RD600 out of the box...which I have already done....which is why I can assure you that the mounts are not the same distance and therefore standard chipset coolers that fit on teh 4-hook square Intel chipset setup will not fit this very rectangular RD600 4-hook mount without a lot of serious fooling and modding (or you get extremely lucky and somehow have a chipset cooler that will fit on this RD600 which would be odd since there's no way that the chipset cooler mfg could have had one of these boards before we do and already have a chipset cooler designed and mfg'd and then on the shelves for you to buy which you bought a while ago before we ever got an RD600 motherboard).


Some info that may help H20 cooling folks... but yes not all air cooling chipset blocks will fit properly.

  1. The northbridge and mosfet heatsinks' height measure approximately 3.8cm and 2.9cm respectively.
  2. The northbridge heatink's hooks cover in rectangular dimensions an area of approximately 4.2cm x 6.7cm with a diagonal measurement of approximately 7.9cm from one corner to the other (which agrees with Pythagorean theorem).
  3. This distance of 7.9cm would rule out alot of third party chipset heatsinks. But it seems my Radiical chipset waterblock might be able to fit. The specs page list 7.6cm max but measured myself it can just do 7.85cm which probably be enough considering it is hook mounted and not through the board holes and that it fitted fine on Intel D975XBX which has 8cm to 8.5cm diagonal length between hooks vs DFI ICFX3200 RD600's 7.9cm :)
  4. Thermaltake Extreme Spirit II chipset air heatsink will most likely fit since it fits the Intel D975XBX hooks seen here. But can't 100% confirm it since my 2x TT Extreme Spirit II chipset heatsinks are already in use on other motherboards.
  5. You can see the Radiical chipset water block installed on Intel D975XBX here . The Intel D975XBX hooks measure 4.2cm x 6.8cm rectangular dimensions with a 8cm to 8.5cm diagonal length between 2 corner hooks.
  6. Radiical chipset waterblock on Asus P5W DH Deluxe here.
  7. While southbridge heatsink as rectangular dimensions of approximately 3.4cm x 3.8cm with the diagonal length between both push pin holes being ~6.3cm.


thumb_dfi_icfx3200_RD600_061.JPG thumb_dfi_icfx3200_RD600_093.JPG thumb_dfi_icfx3200_RD600_101.JPG thumb_dfi_icfx3200_RD600_110.JPG thumb_dfi_icfx3200_RD600_111.JPG thumb_dfi_icfx3200_RD600_083.JPG

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I just ordered mine, should be a fun board no doubt.


Intel locked the cpu multi's as low as possible to introduce the price ranges.


Anyone who reads frequents this forum on the regs knows that outright fsb is not really the answer. Bottom line with regards to Conroe's is that if you want the very fastest anal bench speeds you have to pay for a higher multi cpu and start looking phase and cascade as your cooling (24/7 is SS only).


Higher fsb's than 520 or so for a consumer driven market, one has to wonder about the financial viability. The higher the speed in mhz across the board, the more attention must be given to pcb layout, trace routing and multilayer design- raising r&d costs and development time. We are sooo patient these days (need I remind of an XS thread?).



What is dissapointing is the market is being driven by single super pi runs. Couple this together with vested financial interests and you have a recipe for hype which we are seeing so evidently littered around the web. That's why you don't see Orthos blend results from the pimps outside this forum cos it takes some of the shine off their hidden marketing vibe with the company in question. Some of these people are now grouping together and sending out information that Orthos/prime is bugged with newer cpu's (strange how the Infinity done so well on the same 975 chipset used by other boards ain't it?), hence my questions posed to the Orthos coders which were answered in this very forum (my thanks to Happy G and the mods for getting it all going).


If you can afford phase, a E6700 should be within reach which should see you fine on most boards. Now we have 511fsb at our disposal even an E6600 will be kept happy for 24/7 on phase.


People buy a budget friendly cpu overclock it a magnitude higher than the stock speed of all the cpu classes and then want even more fsb than their cooling allows. There are no free lunches (some cheap ones no doubts), you gotta buy cooling and an expensive cpu if you want the extra 100-200mhz for 24-7 on the same cooling, even then the return is seldom guaranteed.


If you are benching then you need to be competitive at least (and that means big expenditure), I don't see the point of being into benchmark scores per se for any other reason.


Having cruised a lot of other sites and met a lot of people on the way I have to say, if you want the truth stick to DFI-Street.


So there we are, a month from now the db will be once again buzzing, the mods and better members will be helping each other out and I'll be doing what I can too (I have an e6600 retail and X6800 retail on the way).. It'll be fun for sure...




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I <3 you Raja...


And TOTALLY understand what you're saying about overrunning your cooling with a 500+ FSB. I'm pushing mid 60C's on an E6600 @ 3.7GHz with a totally unrefined overclock (IE overvolt the crap outta it and run the FSB up until it screams). I've pegged the FSB needle at 410FSB and don't possibly see a reason for higher than 500FSB without something a . load better than water. It's pretty clear to me my TDX cooling will be far outstripped at about 4.0GHz. (OR 450ish FSB). I don't know this for certain, but my OCing instincts have been fairly well honed over the last year or two.


Looks like I'll have to start dropping voltage and priming a lot to bear this out.

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4.2Ghz or so for sensible volts is what you can expect on SS for 24/7 with a good cpu.


Asking a budget cpu to run that speed is being a little unrealistic and putting uneccessary strain on the mobo makers for this extra fsb limit. What baffles me is that you see people with air or entry level water cooling asking for 500fsb plus single pi runs, one has to question the logic.


Happy G any chance of a list of what you like about this board so far and anything you dislike (that can't be solved in a bios update)?


I only ask as pre orders will be flying in right about now and at least we can get an honest and objective opinion that we trust before hand..




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Guest eva2000
Very nice gallery you've got there eva2000 VERY informative. I'm glad I'll not have to replace my cooler already having seen those nice detailed pictures. Though active southbridge cooling might beset my board.


You're welcome :) TT Extreme Spirit II chipset coolers are very good too.. got 2 of them and they fit Intel D975XBX hooks which are slightly longer than ICFX3200 so yes better update my info as most likely TT ES II will fit ICFX3200 :)

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