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Why is Newegg selling an open box Lanparty Venus?


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The Venus uses all solid caps, which is the only difference. Apparently somebody RMA'd one.


Could you explain to me...please? :confused: I know what caps are.. but the diff? thx.




At any rate I wouldn't pick it up.. isn't half the coolness in the packaging? lol


Doesn't matter, CFX-3200 is on the way.




Edit: thanks for the info guys.

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If you look at your video card, you should notice a bunch of sturdy looking, silver capacitors. Those are the kind that are on the Venus, instead of the regular black soft-sided ones. I wonder why they aren't used on motherboards more often if they're so prevalent on video cards. My Radeon 9500 Pro has a bunch of the good capacitors and that card's been out since 2002...

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I wonder if it might be possible for a DIYer to replace all the caps on his own board... :tooth:


I don't know why NOT ... except fot price.

I understand those solid state caps are really expensive, so those who didn't want to buy a Venus in the first place probably won't want to tinker now.


The differences - both theoretical and seen - are REAL, but weather worth it or not are up to you.


The theoretical - as explained by DFI's press release on Venus - (located in full HERE)

ESR stands for Equivalent Series Resistance. Lowering the ESR increases the speed at which the capacitor can release its charge. This speed is important for decoupling microprocessors. With the use of solid electrolytic capacitors, the ESR will drop dramatically, minimizing power dissipation. Low ESR solid capacitors are critical in decoupling high frequency microprocessors in multiple applications. The limited edition LANParty UT NF4 SLI-DR Venus which features low ESR capacitors is set to deliver increased speed and overclocking performance under higher temperature and power consumption conditions.


From a practical point of view - as seen by yours truly - is an emormus increase in RAM compatability.

DIMMs that would just flat NOT WORK in my Expert board have no problem in the Venus.

Furthermore MIXED size and type DIMMS always seem to work fine in Venus - more on this later if anyone is intrested.


So, yes Venus IS a better board.


That it gets a vastly better OVERCLOCK is doubtfull, IMHO.

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From my understanding...


The Expert and Venus has different bios's.. would that indicated other differences in the board (excluding the solid caps)?




But then having better caps might be able to ensure certain values more accurately. The Expert might have had to fudge them a bit to work correcly?


Beats me, I don't design bioses and certainly have limited knowledge of board manufacture...so I'll shut up now. :)

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