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Hello from da newbie


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Hi guys, i have just arrived, both at this forum, and into the land of DFI. Having had this DFI Ultra D languishing on my desk for a long time, i finally got hold of an X2 4200+ to grace its socket. Now i must begin the steep learning curve that lies before me. I have to say that this place seems to be the well spring of inspiration! I have been looking through the guides and its incredible the amount of experience and information that is here. I hope i can give back as much as i take, and look forward to getting some good advice.



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Damn im glad i found this place. I already have my first stable (Prime 95) overclock at 2.53ghz (11x230FSB) and the RAM on 230mhz. Its doing Super Pi 1m in 32 secs, and i think i may have found out why my sound module isnt working too (jumpers!). Having just come from the land of Socket 754, this is like discovering HDTV after 20 years of black and white.

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

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Guest RohypnoL

Welcome to the hood, "Da Newbie", and enjoy your stay. Lots of help to be had around here should you ever need some.

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Welcome to the "Street", Da Newbie!


Don't be knockin' 754's, man! Lots of us have had (and still have!) 754's that ran like scalded cats! I still use mine on a daily basis - it's the most solid rig I've ever built! (250GB)

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Sorry. I was 754 for 2 and half years. And i was P3 before that. Its just such a difference being able to overclock. My last mobo was an EPox EP-8NA SLi, with a 3700+. I couldnt get above 2.5. SO now im delighted. Just tested my current o'clock for 8 hours Prime 95, totally solid. I love this!!

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