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i think i might be in deep s***


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I have to agree with dr_bowtie on this one... Honesty is the best policy. Let them know you build compters as a hobby and would never think of intentionally destroying ine. Show them you are sincere. But do point out that anything you may have done would of had desasterious results immediately, not a month later.


Don't get smart with them, and don't give them that "I know it all, and way more than you" attitude. Just relaxe, be honest, and try to explain the best you can. They still might not go for it, in that case I agree with a previous post, offer to replace the motherboard (or whatever fried, free of charge. (But only if you're sure they are going to hang you for it anyway. )


Just remember that old story of our founding father, George Washington. When his father caught him with the axe in his hand. George shyly said..."I cannot tell a lie... Tommy Jefferson did it!!!!!"


Relaxe, have a good night.

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It's a psychological tactic. School's job is to break our spirits, so any time we display any kind of intelligence they have to punish us for it, in an attempt to prove their superiority and make us fear the government.


I had the same thing happen actually, except I was yeled at or - get this - pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL. Well the PC was running Windows 95, what did you expect? So the teacher came over and said "you were in something you shouldn't have been on there". Spare me, you didn't even know what that "something" was. >_<

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I would take the honesty route. Everytime I've lied about something, it came back to haunt me (both in that I generally got caught up somehow, or my concience). Explain exactly what you were doing. I am thinking something like this:


"Well, I build computers as a hobby, and was curious what the insides of the school's computers looked like. I only took the case off to have a look inside. I am pretty certain I didn't do anything to 'fry' the motherboard. This was several weeks ago, and motherboards will short out instantly not over a long period of time."


Now, that is of course only if that is what you were thinking and doing, which is how I interpreted your posts.

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I wouldn't fret too much about it. This is the reason most schools install locks on their cases. Also I think that the school has insurance for exactly this kind of occurance. The computers are not your responsibility. Even if you have a look inside one, unless you were explicitely told not to then their is no grounds for them to say that your were NOT supposed to be in the case. Even then, at least here in the states, if you were TOLD not to, that might not even hold up in court. Best is to have a written copy of the rules distributed to each student. My guess is they won't do anything to you, but I could be wrong.


I think you should be honest, but I think, that if you do know how to handle a computer. Know, what the components are, how to install them etc, then you should also tell them that. Display your knowledge, display curiosity, and eagerness to learn. Teachers eat that right up.

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well, they didnt pull me into the office today. i guess they'll do it on monday or tuesday. i kind of wanted to get it over with but then i didnt because i dont really want them calling my mom or anything on a friday right before the weekend.

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they didnt call me in today either... i know they will they wont let a $900 computer slide by without at least trying to scare me or anything to make me say i did it. but i think its been a week now that the computer has been broken???

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Make sure you write down your version of events including dates/times.


It might also be helpful if you e-mailed it to yourself so that you have a semi-official time stamp on when you wrote it down.


Sometimes when things like this get left too long the time frame gets lost in the shuffle.... (as in them thinking that it was the day after you were mucking about when the computer failed).

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they called me in today. i havent ever really been in alot of trouble before at this school, so the principal let me go. She told me about what happened to the computer, it shorted out and i told her about how i hadnt used that computer since a week or two before it broke.


I dont think its quite over though, they might ask some of the people who were sitting next to me before they decide finally. I dont think they would let me off the hook this easy, but they really dont have any more proof on me than anyone else so im not sure...

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Guest SuppA-SnipA

if worst comes to worst lol build them a cheap dfi pc, and teach overclocking lol


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They might ask others, but what if they do? were you able to tell your side of the story, completely? If you told them what you've told us here, and taken a little of our (the forums) advice, been honest and sincere, then I wouldn't worry too terribly much about it. Looking at it from their (the schools) point of view, (or the view of an adult), if they were going to nail you with anything big, they would have done it already. They called you in, asked a few questions, and let you go. (Or at least that's how I interpret what you've posted). If that is the case, they are fishing. They asked you a few questions, looking for a response. One that would prove your guilt, as well as your motives.


What they got (I hope) was an appeal to the truth, and a sincere feeling that you would never maliciously destroy school proprty, let alone a computer.


With that being said, it may not be over. You may be called in again. Probably for a final "judgement". You will probably receive a severe "Don't ever open another scool computer" lecture. And I would recommend that you don't. But I think the worst is over.


Quit beating yourself up over it and get back to your studies.


Just out of curiosity, do your parents know about this incident? Maybe you should talk to them about it as well. It might help releive some of this guilt and fear you're carrying around.


Just my parental 2 cents worth. Hope it helps.

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