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DFI-Street Forums Logo Contest!


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I like how its looking s1ick, can you turn the toaster to angle the other way though? Might look a bit better.


Also...if you could compress that image a bit....no big deal really seeing as people should know this'll have pics in it, but 1 MB is a bit much. ;)


cheers man, yer im gonnna have to play with that as i just cant get it to look right. but im gonna keep trying. As you well know i like playing around with stuff like this.

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happy, can you repeat your design specifications as some people juat arnt reading them. Or are you gonna give people more room to play??


if people can't read then they can't win


you are free to use your imagination...i just gave you all some suggestions on what I'd like to see, but use your imagination.

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Here's a refinement of my entry


HG: you were right...the motherboard looks a lot better when its less opaque - just blends in perfectly with the background


I have 2 pics here - one with the sign being kind of faded, and one when it is solid



Let me know what you think


the bottom one with the less faded streetsign is the better one...now try to refine the streetsign even more...it really doesn't fit with it's colors on the Speedfire theme, but you've got a lot of room to experiment.


again go back through some of my previous posts where I spot you guy a lot of links too see what kind of ideas we've liked in the past...and then use your own imagination to keep plugging away.


There's a fine line between "bare" and "too busy" as we are all finding out ;)

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ok heres my first attempt, hope you all like it.


soz massive image thanks to silly imageshack, so ill linky instead of ing



What i have done-


1) added GHz to the rev gauge rather than the 1000x.

2) cut out and modded slightly (yellowed it) the toaster image. and placed it on the image with blending options.

3) made a backdrop to make the rev gauge stand out more.

4) added and played with one motherboard picture given to me by you,

And found an expert image to put on top (because it looks wiked).

5) sorted out some text that fited with the theme (and messed with the text highlights slightly).


Does'nt sound like alot but It took a fair bit of time and im happy with it for a first attempt. will probably keep working on it for the next week.


And no being biased against me cos i did it on my mac! :)


its just too busy


only a single motherboard is needed, and I like the uv orange that is semi-transparent. I never really liked the look of the Expert or any 'multi-color' board, and they never seemed to glow as bright under UV as the original NF2 and Intel Lanparty boards.


where's my toaster also? I see a faded-out shell of a toaster somewhere...I want to keep that toaster as a focal point if possible as it has a lot of meaning to us old-timer dfi'ers.


I'm not real down on the font either...I still like Sharp's crazy font the best.


don't get discouraged. The fact that I giving you my opinions means I like the ideas you are coming up with ;)


(but as I said earlier, be prepared to refine it up to 50+ times lol)

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@ Disturbed:


I like the entire right side of yours, and I like the direction the street signs are going color-wise, but the alignment looks off. The top sign looks like it's moved too far forward (left) relative to the bottom one.


In this post:




The signs in the first two pics look like they're aligned correctly (almost.. the top one looks like it's tilted forward and front to back slightly.) Or maybe you can mess around with a style like the signs in the third pic.


I agree, from the Ghz tach to the far right is a nice combination of images


that streetsign throws off the entire header though, so as I already mentioned to him, focus primarily on that streetsign bit and see what he comes up with ;)

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Here's a little attempt that I whipped up. I need to move the UV board to the right, or find something else to stick in that spot.




see how there is sort of a bare area with just fire? you should try moving the motherboard to that area, change the tach to Ghz, and then show us again. (the left side is starting to get too busy)

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1.Less Busy

2.Shifter from volts to multi.

3.Blurred Lanparty board

4.This and that







More comments please


hate the font for sure


the left-side...squiggly thing? not sure what that is but it has to go lol.


maybe lighten up on the shifter to where it's a bit transparent also


but for sure that font has got to be the ugliest font ever lol

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