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H2o Setup


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Here's the pics I promised of the finished system. I still have some wire-cleanup to do, but it's pretty much done for now. Enjoy!!


Waterblock: I had to send my WW back to D-Tek, here's the TC-4



Overall Shot w/ lights off:



Panel Off:



Front w/ Rez: The DigiDoc5 is missing at the moment, more later..



Top View Showing 120MM BlowHole:



All the Lights On:



**Now, the reason why the 120MM panel fans don't appear to be on is b/c of this...They aren't. I wired a custom board / circuit to my DigiDoc5 that automatically will cut them on when the case temps exceeds 24C. 1 or Both will come on depending on the temp. This way, I don't have the added noise of 2 120MM fans until it's neccesary, then when the temp drops they cut off. If you have any Q's about it, let me know.

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Thanks for the compliments guys, it's cool to get props from you guys. Makes it all worthwhile. I started tonight on my next mod. I won't release too much right now, but I'll tell you it invloves a 7" Touch Screen and the ability to control the whole system.

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I'm a 20 yr old IT Specialist at a Cement Plant. I also do web and graphic design for many businesses around town. This is just what I do in my free-time, I work on my car, ride my motorcycle and jet skis in the summer, and work on my computers every free chance I get.

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I have just one question... for now. :D


Why is the resevoir in between the radiator and CPU?


Most setups have the resevoir just before the pump. Unless I'm mistaken, and please forgive me if I am, the Eheim sucks from the side and pushes upward.


It does appear to fit and look better the way you have it though.


(I've been getting a few complaints for being a little mean so I've started to write like a poindexter for those who can't take a joke.)

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