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Kicked off school network


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From his post it seemed like he was already found it, so to me it's smarter to "confess" than to wait to be accused if you know the accusation will inevitably come.


Now if it wasn't traced than ethics come into play.


As the old saying goes: "Character is what you do when no one is looking."



David "did the right thing" and everything IS going to turn out ok. But even if it turned out to be less than ok...



GOOD JOB KID! Most here are proud of you; and I'm sure your parents are too (trust me they are).

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*Sorry if any of this has been covered, I have only just seen the thread*


If your able to:

A) Get in to the registry to get find/get around proxy settings.

B) They don't have IP filtering on their Proxy/FB to stop such things from happening if they do happen.


Then they (Read: Network Admins) should be fired.


You shouldn't have even done that/gone there to begin with. If it requires a setting/password that your teacher hasn't given there, you shouldn't go.


Not having a go, as you have done the right thing and fess up.

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Our network is run by a bunch of idiots, seriously.


I may not know more about day to day stuff and how to run it (that comes with experience) but they know NOTHING about computers.



There's A LOT of truth in that statement, especially down here in the twin cities as well. I've applied for many IT positions (either for interning for an Network Admin job or a Help Desk/Computer Support position).


Most of the time they only know what there job criteria requires, outside of that I've met some pretty big ding-bats. Even basic OS Administration was over there heads when it wasn't relevant to maintaining the network or business POS (Point of Sale) software.



EDIT: Hell, a great example of that, is the Geek Squad support people. Most of them only have a basic A+ Certification and they're "Geek Squad" Material. In all fairness though to the Geek Squad, I wonder how often they get a problem that is more than "my windows 98 box has a virus and I'll pay you obscene amounts of money to get rid of it."

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Our IT guys spend all day playing UT and Halo :)



haha sounds like the ones at my school freshmen year me and a few friends put quake three on the school network they tried removing it once or twice a week rofl and by the time I graduated this past may we had Q3,halo,Cs 1.6,AvP and AvP 2 and many many other games on them rofl I went back a few weeks ago and they had replaced every hard drive in the school and still didn't get it fixed total idiots didn't even notice we installed the games on the local network so any computer connected to the network in the district could access the games if they new were to find them and most of the It guys jsut played them even had a Q3 and fps club in my senior year rofl.

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