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RMA mobo, memory, and cpu or wait?

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Ok, here's the deal. I got the DFI Lanparty nf590 MR2/G and it's been giving me problems. I've heard that brand new on the market boards have their fair share of problems and I figured that new bios updates coming out fix certain problems. Here's the other thing. I've also heard that the chipset Nforce 500 series is the culprit. Now I'm thinking "Should I wait and RMA the board later and by that time hope that nvidia revised and fixed the major issues and DFI incorporates these new revised chipsets?" or "RMA my memory, processor, and motherboard in favor of the socket 939?"


What do you think?


The problems are really driving me nuts, even though crashes take some time before they happen...well sometimes they come one after another, but still.

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Ok, here's the deal. I got the DFI Lanparty nf590 MR2/G and it's been giving me problems. I've heard that brand new on the market boards have their fair share of problems and I figured that new bios updates coming out fix certain problems. Here's the other thing. I've also heard that the chipset Nforce 500 series is the culprit. Now I'm thinking "Should I wait and RMA the board later and by that time hope that nvidia revised and fixed the major issues and DFI incorporates these new revised chipsets?" or "RMA my memory, processor, and motherboard in favor of the socket 939?"


What do you think?


The problems are really driving me nuts, even though crashes take some time before they happen...well sometimes they come one after another, but still.


Could you maybe specify the problems you are getting? I'm considering getting a DFI.

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Well if I hurry up I can at least get a refund from new egg on my ram and my mobo, due to my unsatisfiction with them.


BSODs: was told to up my voltage to 2.0(result no difference), Corsair recommended I do a mem test.(problem. no floppy drive and I'm sure the memory is fine. I've heard other complaints and they can't and aren't all because of bad memory. incompatibilities possibly.) Another possible solution I read was to get OCZ platinum (problem: pricey, though I could conceivably do this. I just don't wish to waste money, if it doesn't work.)


boots part way into windows and resets at times: (minor issue, but still an issue none the less): Solution: (none at the moment)


USB devices slow to write to(but not read from): Bios:change from shadow to that other option(nothing changed)

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Memtest is'nt in the BIOS anymore?????? if not a floppy drive can be bought for 5 bucks if not less, not really a fair excuse. Sound's like alot of user error (I mean no offense, so please dont take as such) or a lack of actually setting the BIOS up properly. Exaclty what setting's are you using for your RAM? Have you considered getting something other than the thermalsuck PSU? It historically is one of the worst PSU manufacterer's, and I highly doubt they have changed recentley.

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Well, I'm new to DFI and I know their bioses are a bit complex, so yeah maybe. The PSU as far as I could tell got good user reviews. And as for the settings 2.0volts as suggested, but everything else is at auto. I'd greatly appreciate some help setting up the memory in the bios. Thanks alot. As for user error. Depends on what you mean. I mean. I can put the thing together. I can select parts that I learn are supposed to be good like the corsair memory. The bios I only know the basics about. As far as more advanced options, I'm kinda clueless. sorry.


Thanks for any help.


edit: Yeah, complex bios and a person that only knows the basics of the bios. Big mistake right? lol Well, I went with this brand because 1) reputation and 2) learn more about the bios(in general) when i decide the machine is stable enough for an overclock and that i'm ready to try it. As for the first post on this thread. I was desperate and paniced. (anxiety disorder is not cool). I should have asked how to set it up properly to begin with.


Oh and I managed to burn memtest86+ to a cd and booted. I figured I'm not going to use the floppy very much at all, so why get one? There are alternatives and they're going to phase it out anyway. Might as well get used to it.

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I've spent last night and today tweaking my memory timings to get stuff tighter, and really if you're not overclocking right now all the auto settings should be fine and the only thing to change is the CAS - TRCD - TRP - TRAS if it doesn't match up to what the sticker says on the ram with the 2.0x vdimm voltage. There shouldn't be any problem other than that, I also suggest to just get the CD memtest image if you don't have a floppy, thats how I've been using memtest also.

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ok, I set those. Thanks. I hope I got them right. It seemed easy enough. They were all labeled in ( ), except CAS, but I found that one easy enough. It looked to me, correct me if I'm wrong, that the numbers taht were faded on the right of "Auto" were the numbers that they were actually set at. In that case 5-5-5-15, which my memory is not. switched that to 4-4-4-12. I'll check back much later to let you know if anything occurs.


After setting the bios for for those settings, windows went right up instead of reseting itself once or twice before actual boot. I hope this means more than that. I still have the usb issue, though, but that, of course, is minor.



Edit: It just blue screened me. Any more ideas?

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