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urgent! DRAM not detected after reinstalling waterblock

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hi guys

just took out my com to reinstall the tim for my waterblock and now the stupid com is giving me troubles again. i checked all the connectors are plugged in properly, the 4 plugs to the board are in nicely.


gfx card, rams are inserted correctly. but problem is that it keeps beeping non stop.


the leds are stuck at 3 lighted up which means cpu detected but drams not detected.


i've tried everything, rebooting, clearing cmos, unplugging and reinserting the rams but there's no improvements at all//


sometimes 4leds remain lighted up and but there's no beeping sounds.



pls help

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As well, make sure none of your TIM got anywhere on your board. If it did use pick up some acetone and isopropyl alcohol to try and get it off, I had this issue when I accidentally dripped some tim when I was putting on a new chipset heatsink

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Okay SuperCharged...the RAM is in the Orange Slots correct?...This question was never answered clearly...


Also the TIM doesnt need to be paper thin, a dot about the size of a grain of rice is more then enough and tightening the waterblock down should do all of the spreading for you...


And of course...CMOS Clear..like the posts above me...

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