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Ever Taken a Day Off Work?

Guest Timmay_merged


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    • Yes I have
    • Nope, Never
    • More Then Once

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Guest Timmay

Have you ever gotten new computer gear in the mail on a working day and decided to take a day off because you feel like a child on Xmas eave?


I know I have:p

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Actauly haven't missed a day of work in over 12 years (yes, I'm showing my age, here - LOL). That doesn't mean that I didn't stay up all night fighting for 100 more 3dmark points, though. Who needs sleep?!?!

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I actually did last month. Of course, I wouldn't call it taking a day off; it was more like comp time, as I had worked about 8 or 9 straight nights of 12 hour shifts in North Carolina. While I was there I ordered my Opteron so that it would arrive at about the time that I returned home, took a day off while the wargame I was supporting was in the lull period, then took some more comp time after the wargame wound down for good to install the hard drives that I got for my RAID0.

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I take days off work all the time, I am taking off all of next week, Granted for Vacation but I think it counts. Also days off does working half days, or getting paid to go home count. And really with in the past 6 months I have taken off work about 5 times....

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  • 2 weeks later...

never taken a day off for the sake of computerness... if ever, i've cancelled plans because i had to set up a rig.. i couldnt see myself in front of the computer with a fake *cough-cough* "oh i'm so sick i can hardly get out of bed" *cough-hack-cough*


if i had a flexible enough job to take days off freely, maybe.

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