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WTF is wrong with kids today?


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I am a sort of observer of life (but I cant spell for beans so just ignore that) and I realize that because of my age (16) that I do not have the prerequired "experience" in life to say this but it is just . me off too much. And yes I do think that teachers should be allowed to hit there students because most of the time they DO deserve it. Feel free to add onto this list.


Todays youth:

always plays the victim

always wants instant gratification

always wants to argue there way through loop holes while the other party is pissed

rebel against conforming by conforming to the rebelion

think that complaining will get them something

never think of what they are doing to others

always want to gain something no matter what they are doing


thinks that money grows on trees

talk back

dosent know a hard days work from a rock to the back of the head

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LOL...I definetly agree with this. When i was a kid (well, im only 24 now), respect for others was something that was beat into me, and im glad it was. I see all these young punks walking around like they are invincible, talking sh!t to random people they encounter on the street and acting just plain ole Rude. I really would like to say something sometimes, and sometimes i do...but you never know when one of these kids will pull out a knife or something...Jeeze :eek:

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While the intentions of this post were good, I think that everybody (big or small, old or young) are guilty of this on a daily basis.


In my opinion, without kids talking back or rebelling we wouldn't have things like Microsoft, good 60's music, civil rights, etc. etc. (I'm to tired to think clearly)


We're kids and we learn. We make mistakes and learn. These kinds of things have happened since the begining of man kind.


All of this being said, I'm probably considered a "straight arrow" meaning I don't smoke, drink, do drugs. I do great in school and try to respect adults.


(I disrespect my parents from time to time when I think they're being unreasonable)


For the most part though, you hit the nail on the head. I'm learning the hard way (40 hours a week) that money doesn't grow on trees.

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/signed and agreed

/signed and agreed #2



I'm sorry Uncle_David...but you are simply too young to even be able to comment on what used to be...because you didn't grow up in that time...just like I have no business really commenting on how kids grew up in the 50's and 60's like ExRoadie (who, btw, would agree with Evil's rant 100% also)


When I was growing up, it was still instilled in us to work hard, save money, and accept reality that you had to follow rules and laws and suing everyone and everything that you didn't agree with was just stupid (and wrong).


That was in the mid 80's when we were still fighting the commies and worried that we'd all end up in nuclear holocaust.



I've seen the kids change as I've grown up, and they are exactly like Evil describes them.


You all remember my rant about kids at the ice rink?




posted in like 9 different places...huge letters etc


and yet here are kids, every day, playing floor hockey, and their stupid teenage peers that are working there don't say anything...so us old guys say politely (at first) "hey...you kids can read yes?" and point to the signs.


And ALWAYS...ALWAYS...never once have they just sheepishly stopped...ALWAYS they have to argue like their dad is an attorney and taught them everything about litigation...."but there's no one here" "you aren't the manager" "those signs are just old" "the employees let us play" etc.


ALWAYS got to argue...and lately a few of us 'old' guys have not put up with their crap at all and argue them right back until they stfu and follow the rules...


"oh, so these rules don't apply to YOU right? They are for everyone but YOU? Is this what your mommy and daddy teach you? That rules are for everyone but YOU? I'm pretty sure that a sign in a public place that is easily spotted or noticed applies to everyone that can read it, as well as anyone that cannot read it. NO FLOOR HOCKEY means YOU cannot play floor hockey here. Got it? If you need clarification of this rule, how about we troop on up to Ryan or Earl's office since those two guys are the two guys that run this place and I'm pretty sure THEY made the rules and put the signs up and I'm pretty sure you will agree that it is better to just follow the rules that are laid out for YOU instead of embarrassing yourself by going up to their office with me and being told by them that, yes, those rules DO apply to YOU."



this is not just at the ice rink


this is every damn kid in every damn place I can interact with them...whether at Costco, the Steelheads hockey games, concerts, batting cages, hell, out in front of my house.


I'm not sure what values parents are instilling in kids these days, but it ain't the same values that I was brought up with (follow the rules, show some respect if you want to get respect, think about your actions and how they affect those around you, work hard for what you want instead of taking the handout, etc).


I get pretty pissy about this subject pretty easily because I am tired of disrespectful kids as well as adults (and especially parents who get offended when you tell their kids to knock that crap off and show some respect like GET OFF THE @#$^#@$ CELL PHONE DURING THE MOVIE...but then these are the same losers who drive giant SUV's with ONE child and CANNOT put the cell phone down the entire time they are driving around town).



This is also why momma and I choose to not have kids.


We would rather not take the chance that our kids end up like all the other kids we hate. I'm pretty sure we'd teach them good values, but human personalities are very strange in how they pick up nuances and habits etc, and even the best parents we know have ended up with %@#@#$@# kids who have zero respect for anything but themselves.



/end second rant of the day

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see the true problem with kids today is parent are too afraid to beat em. I remember quite well mutliple items being broken over my rear in my youth.


parents are too concerned with being the friend of their kids than actually being a parent. My parents taught me how to grow up instead of going and getting tattoos with me and what not. Ive had a job everyday since i was 10 years old. I remember my summers wasting away mowing yards for 5-6 hours a day. Winters were worse when i had to donate my time to scooping drive ways and sidewalks.


The thing is through all that not once did i view my parents as bad people, they just wanted me to grow up right and for that i have respected them.

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hey uhm like you guys are complaining and like this isn't fair.. stop bashing on us we're like the future.


I'm juuuuuust kidding! I totally agree with you Happy, and I am one of these kids. It's stereotypical of adults thinking all kids are going to throw a fuss. My Dad is a crazy butt Euro and if disrespect him in any shape or form indirectly or directly, I know not to go home.


Good topic.... but talking about it doesn't change anything. And we're gonna have some minors coming soon saying how this is all a bunch of BS and blah blah...


This is why I stick to computers... minimal interaction with idiots makes you less of an idiot.

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/signed and agreed


/signed and agreed #3


It is the degrading family values thats letting these kids act the way they are. It all starts in the home and family. Discipline have gone out the window. Kids are having kids, what I mean is that 16 year old kids getting pregnant. There is no sense of responsibility or consequence in their bad behavior because parents are afraid to discipline them because that spoiled brat kid who gets spanked in the butt will call the cops on mommy or daddy.

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This is why I stick to computers... minimal interaction with idiots makes you less of an idiot.


That is also why I stick to computers but my friends will always im me about how there parents suck because they made them get off there asses and do some work. Thats why i'm never signed on. Its also why I scuba dive:


*You get to be far away from humanity and its ignorant populous

*People can't do stupid things at 60 meters below because that would kill you

*I dont have to listen to people whine

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The thing is through all that not once did i view my parents as bad people, they just wanted me to grow up right and for that i have respected them.


here's the reality that kids are not interested in (because of that whole "instant gratification" thing)


You don't really "grow up" until you are at least 25...and honestly, not until I was about 28-30 did I really sit down and realize all the crap I learned as a kid from my parents (as messed up as they were) and other influential elders in my life (not just old people, but others in their 30's while I was a teenage dumbass that taught me respect and hard work etc)...not until then did I really get a good understanding of it.


When you get up around 30, and you start really really dealing with real life, worrying about death, taxes, mortages, etc, do you have an understanding of why it was good to learn 'the hard way' as a kid...or why showing respect to get respect was so important to all them "old guys".



I always hear (and I remember thinking a lot like this when I was that age) these teenagers act like they don't need any advice from us because they know more than we do.


Smart kids (like most of us I hope) always scoffed at such nonsense that old guys told us, but we kept it in our brains and actually learned it and lived it because those values that we scoffed at then are actually values that are...valuable to us now as 'the old guys'.




I never relied on mommy and daddy to buy me my cars, computers, spending money, bail me out of trouble every time, etc


I had to pay for my own college while paying for my own rent, food, gas, car insurance (thankfully my car was such a piece of . that it only cost $1500 and no payments lol).


I had it rough, but not so rough that I ran to mommy and daddy when I was down.


I've been TRULY homeless a couple different periods of my life (I stealth-slept in a church for a week before a friend of my family finally came and got me and made me go home with them). I am so stubborn that I relied on no one even when they offered. I HAD to do it on my own.


Now that I am in my 30's, I am extremely thankful that I bled hardship daily without too much complaint...it made me a lot stronger, and more importantly, it made me realize that if I don't have cash, and it ain't a house I'm buying, I can't afford it.


We have no credit cards, no monthly payments to anything but rent and car insurance (we are saving for a REAL down payment on a house, not just the bank minimum...we'd like to have 50% of the house already paid so the mortage is a short 10-15 year deal and easily paid off). The only thing she and I have purchased on credit since we've been together was our HDTV, and we paid that off in half the time required just so we wouldn't have to pay for it for 2 years.


I've lived some hard times and I use that knowledge to shape my decisions every day. If I buy that new vid card, I might not be able to pay my rent. If I don't pay my rent, I probably cannot pay for electricity (and electric won't do me much good, nor the vid card, if I don't have a house to put it in and plug it into).


I can't go running to mommy and daddy because one is deceased and the other is my mortal enemy.


I can't go running to my family anymore because they are either all deceased, or they are the worst kind of white trash that would end up sucking the life out of me (as well as our money that we work so hard for).


I WOULDN'T go running to anyone for help. I'm pretty stubborn, but then I was raised and grew up around wise old guys who always preached:


if you have to ask for a handout once, it's ok, and it won't hurt your pride.


if you have to ask for a handout (or bail-out), it better damn well hurt your pride so much that you are ashamed for a very long time


if you have to ask for a handout more than twice, you've learned nothing about life and mommy and daddy have sheltered you too damn much.








you know...






that's just me





my opinions are not useful to anyone and I'm ok with that ;)

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