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The X1900 series overclocking thread

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They don't have any, and I have'nt seen any on Newegg yet either, right now the ACS is HIS's only edge on the competition so it's a possibility that they wont be available retail for another couple week's. As alway's i may very well be wrong, but Arctic cooling's own website doesnt list a solution for the X1900 series card besides the accelero. at least not specific compatibility.


thats apparently hte truth...but I prefer the Accelero (just installed the second one tonight...this new 975X/G + P4 w/XP-120 + X1900XT = silence!)

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Well, I have my 1900xtx under my maze4 and am running at stock clocks and pulled 133FPS in the Lost Coast test with background progs running. Wish me luck. So far this card has been tempramental as HELL.


EDIT: Well, 3dmark06 says 5597 with my CPU @ 2.7GHz. Actually, that's fairly disappointing. I expected 6k but then again CPU is a big factor. Maybe I'll clock up to 2.8GHz again and run it for a more direct comparison,

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Sorry for the double post but it's been a while since any one's posted so....


I've started using ATI tool to OC my xtx and so far have managed a artifact testing stable speed of 720MHz/1664 MHz gpu/mem. I've yet to bench on these settings so...


ATI tool gives me three temps to look at, one really high one 60-70C one midrange, 40-50 and one ~40 temp. The bottom is card ambient. But the other two I was confused. Logic says the highest temp is the GPU but it's the middle 40-50C temp that is displayed in the task bar and is shown on the temperature graph. Crazy stuff to think my GPU is running sub 60C temps with a 30 C ambient and 1.425vcore!


Anyhow I'm really loving this card on 1600x1200 res!

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If I should start a new thread, please delete this post but I've run into a snag.


I've gotten some good overclocks on my xtx now and I've been trying to run them in game but now all of my games will only run at a god awful low resolution.... like 800x600. I set in the CoD2 options to run at 1600x1200 but it certainly looks like crap. What gives?


I'm using the catalyst 6.6 drivers and ati tool to OC.

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If I should start a new thread, please delete this post but I've run into a snag.


I've gotten some good overclocks on my xtx now and I've been trying to run them in game but now all of my games will only run at a god awful low resolution.... like 800x600. I set in the CoD2 options to run at 1600x1200 but it certainly looks like crap. What gives?


I'm using the catalyst 6.6 drivers and ati tool to OC.

no this is definitely the right thread


try bringing your clocks down a little...if they aren't working right at 1600x1200, then lower the gpu/mem clocks a little until they do look right


keep in mind that it is a lot more work for the vid card to blast out 1600x1200 than it is to do 800x600 ;)

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I'll give her a shot on stock clocks but I dont think that's the problem. It really looks like 800x600 resolution. On all the loading screens for 3dmark06 it's the same way except the 3dmark goes through the sequence like normal except with disappointingly low scores (barely above my 7900gt.)


I'll take a screenie for you.

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Well, I have my 1900xtx under my maze4 and am running at stock clocks and pulled 133FPS in the Lost Coast test with background progs running. Wish me luck. So far this card has been tempramental as HELL.


EDIT: Well, 3dmark06 says 5597 with my CPU @ 2.7GHz. Actually, that's fairly disappointing. I expected 6k but then again CPU is a big factor. Maybe I'll clock up to 2.8GHz again and run it for a more direct comparison,


Hmmm....that's odd, i got my Opteron @2.6GHz with X1900XTX @689/792 and it did 6100+ on 3DMark06. But you have your processor overclocked just slightly higher, so i'm assuming your score on the CPU was around 1940 or something like that? What was your GPU scores? Now did you have anything running in the background? hehe...

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I definetly think you should be getting a little higher in 3dmark, especially with clocks higher than mine. I did a bit of testing because i noticed that my 3dmark06 scores were a little whack. @ 2.375Ghz with my XT flashed to XTX and oc'd to 702/802, well...i have the compare for that here: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=343771 , but at 2.4Ghz with vid card the same, i noticed that my CPu score dropped drastically, to about 1800pts. I dont really know how to explain it, but it happens everytime. I lower my score and bam, higher CPU points, then i raise it to above 2.4, and its back to sub 1900's.


doh, works over, gotta run...might edit this later :D


EDIT: So all in all, i believe that the 3d06 scores Decrease as your CPU clock goes up past a certain point. In that case, i would probably disregard your CPU scores and focus on your GPU scores to see how much your GPU OC is helping.

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Congrats man!


Be sure that you read up on the card before you go clocking the hell out of it. These cards can be a bit finickey but once you have read the guides (the links in the 1st post, the houserats link has a bunch of other sweet links to look through aswell) you will be off to the races.


GL man, you know where to come if you need a hand :D

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