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The X1900 series overclocking thread

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That's the problem I've alway had with ATI Tool and x1900 series cards. But the scanner in ATI Tray Tools works flawlessly for me. In the current beta version I'm testing the find max clocks feature also works without problems.


Current beta version of ATI Tray Tools. Works much better then ATI Tools beta 14 or 15.


Yea maybe so, but for now I just give it a miss all together, its not as if I need the extra power to run game etc, its just out of curiosity more than anything and complete boredom etc you know how it is

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I know how it is. But we just have to play. I ran mine mostly stock until Ray started sending me these beta versions to test. What will be nice once this is out is all the visual settings that are available in CCC are in this also.

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um... i just got the latest ati tray tools beta from ray, and its not any better than ati tool... during the find max gpu, it rebooted my comp. when i tried to run 3dmark06, it kept erroring out. i disabled 2d/3d switch, and just loaded the 3d profile, and it still errored out. in order to run 3dmark successfully, i had to close ati tray tools. however, it did actually remember the clock speeds when i checked on the orb for my clockspeeds. it doesnt seem to be any better...

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It might be a driver issue or something else. I've been testing with it over a month and don't have any problems at all. If you just received this for testing you should be looking at other issues instead of condemning it so fast. And after all it is beta. That's what testing is all about. Instead of posting here slamming it you should be taking notes of what is happening and contacting Ray. This wasn't released to the public to test like ATI Tool. This is why it's so difficult for regular people to get beta software.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "can it load any 3d programs". When a game profile is set up you have options for visual and overclocking settings. The overclocking options are none, auto 2d/3d and manual overclock. I'm assuming your interested in the auto setting. If this option is selected whatever overclocking profiles you have selected in the auto overclocking section for when 3d apps are launched/closed will be used. If auto overclocking is enabled in the auto overclocking section the clocks will change when a 3d app is launch/closed even without a profile If a game profile is set up it is not started from the profile. The game is started normally and ATI Tray Tools will apply the settings in that profile when the exe file is started.


Although manually launching the overclocking profile works fine there is still problems with the auto overclocking feature. If used it will crash Windows. But it has to be remembered this is beta software and this is why we are testing it.


One other thing, and this applies to all overclocking programs for x1900 series cards other then CCC. If the 3d settings are high enough it's not possible to go reliably from 2d to 3d settings and back in one jump. When going from 2d to 3d there's no guarantee that the voltage will change before the clocks and from 3d to 2d that the clocks change before the voltage. If not done in that order Windows will crash. I set up a third profile I call medium. This profile has 2d clocks and 3d voltage. I assign all three profiles to hot keys and use them to go from 2d to medium to the 3d profile before launching a game. And then reverse the process when finished. Once Tray Tools is fully functional it can be set up like the following. In the auto overclocking tab load 3d profile before app and load medium profile when app is closed. Before the app is launched hot key to the medium profile and after app is closed hot key to the default profile.


I have asked Ray about providing this third profile in the auto overclocking section and also if anything could be done to ensure the clocks and voltage change in the correct order. But I'm not sure if either of these will be possible. I hope this helps.

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what i meant is, if you personally were able to load any 3d app while ati tray tools was running. i assume, by reading this post that you have been able to launch 3d programs. for me, the only way to launch anything 3d is only using the stock ati registry switch. ati tool at least was able to launch 3dmark without crashing, but ati tray tools cannot launch anything. i tried to manually switch profiles before 3dmark launched, and disabled the 2d/3d auto oc, but 3dmark still crashes. i keep the same voltage for 2d/3d regardless, as i did have a feeling that its definetely a factor that could cause the card to freeze. like i said, ill try flashing it back to the xt bios and install the 6.7 cats instead of the new ones, but i dont think thats the issue here.

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All the 3dMark benches in the 165@342x9 OCDB entry in my sig were run with Tray Tools. For daily use I run 6.3 but I haven't noticed any problems stability wise with 6.7 or 6.8.

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Well i hace a litle problem with ATT and AT, i cannot do overclock to my x1900gt, when a 3d aplication comes up, the clocks go to the default profile (500/600), with the AT, and about the ATT the overclock thing is like disable

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I have issues with my screen turning black and remaining so when I use AT. very odd how my card will easily do the 690/1600 settings in CCC but not even TRY to do 695 even with elevated voltages. I call this an ATItool bug.


Is there any other decent programs to OC with on a x64 OS?

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Well i hace a litle problem with ATT and AT, i cannot do overclock to my x1900gt, when a 3d aplication comes up, the clocks go to the default profile (500/600), with the AT, and about the ATT the overclock thing is like disable


Does it revert back to 2d settings in 3dMark also? If not it's a feature ATI has included in all the drivers after 6.3. The next release of ATT should have 1900series overclocking enabled.


I have issues with my screen turning black and remaining so when I use AT. very odd how my card will easily do the 690/1600 settings in CCC but not even TRY to do 695 even with elevated voltages. I call this an ATItool bug.

The only difference between AT and CCC is on the memory side. CCC relaxes the timings when overclocked and AT doesn't. If you haven't done so, you might try lowering the memory clock while working on the gpu and see if it makes any difference.

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