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Need A Guru's Help


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Can someone please tell me how I can overclock a p4 2.66? Bought an HP at Sams and don't feel like surfing too much to find out how, figured someone here would be able to tell me in 200 words or less. Thanks for the input in advance...

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200 words or less? Hmm... could be tough...


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How's that for under 200 words? 6 words total.


Need more? Hmm...


Enter the bios.

Increase the FSB a little.

Boot to windows.

Test stability.



14 words.... that good?

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i found out hte hard way how bad buying computers from like dell and emachnes i bought one when i dfirst got in to comps when i didnt know anything. and then i tryed to upgrade it and i couldnt with out buying a new one really so i canned that pos actuly i sold it to sum one else for half of what i bought it for lol and then used tthat money to build my own. even if you diont know how to build your own sell that comp lol and eather buy the parts and build it your self or surf arnd here and find ppl selling there comps would be alot better then any pos u can buy at wal mart or compusa or bestbuy. thast if you want to oc.

Edited by fubar8358

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i own a packard bell (european HP) and the BIOS sucks... however I cant flash it as even though its basically a Gigabyte board, HP/PB get them redesign lsightly by a company called "Columbia" and so there are suttle differences but teh main one being teh complete lack of decent options for OCing and customisation

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