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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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Happy, I already know you saw this on my post, but just reminding you and placing it here so it can be official and legal.


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okay have a great weekend peace

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I love the new look and feel of the Street. :D The colors are marvelous! ;)


So many new things to explore. I feel like a kid in a candy store.


If I didn't know it was so much work for you and your crew, I’d say upgrade more often. Just kidding.


BTW: 10 years in the Army, I’ve given a few blanket parties. Only to those really deserving folks, i.e. I was running a hand grenade range and was safety in one of the pits This private comes into the pit, pulls the pin a dropped the grenade right over the wall. :eek: BLAM!!!!!!!!! my hearing was out for two days. These were live HE grenades. That was one fun blanket party that night. He did learn that night.

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I'm very happy with this all: all orange for Holland.

Could not be better,


haha AND let it be knowen ORANGE is everywere here. hell i even seen orange TP:D Buy the way they won today;)

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I reckon this is the right place to do this....

I can't get an avatar to work....if i go into the settings for it, there's only one option, "don't show an avatar" or something, and i can't deselect it...

I've seen that loads of people have got one, and I've made a few in Photoshop, so please tell me how to do it!! :D


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now be careful (Also I recommend a built-in spell check) is enuff said without your opion of others are.is just your opion and should be kept you your self.As you dont know what would be the reason of someones miss spelling. other then your owen selfish ideas

spell checking should be something you are ok with


bad spelling is just something makes you look immature and illiterate


some ppl are naturally bad spellers


most are just lazy


I would think you would want others to respect you a little more by having at least proper spelling (if not proper spelling AND proper grammar if you are native english speaker).


When I see adults and even kids that can't spell or can't be bothered to spell, my view of them dims greatly as I think "man...here's a person who got a free education and can't even be bothered to spell anything correctly".


It won't make me not help you...and I am sure you don't care one way or another if I or anyone else respects or looks down upon you etc...but seriously...to me it's the same as if you walked into a restaraunt where I was eating and just started cursing the F-word and other nonsense loud enough where everyone could hear you...its annoying, its classless, and it shows others that you don't care enough to take a moment to be mature.


Yes spelling is a big deal to me. I spell words wrong but I also spell 99% of my words correctly (and I am a high school dropout)

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I reckon this is the right place to do this....

I can't get an avatar to work....if i go into the settings for it, there's only one option, "don't show an avatar" or something, and i can't deselect it...

I've seen that loads of people have got one, and I've made a few in Photoshop, so please tell me how to do it!! :D



Only the Admin can give you an Avatar...gots ta earn it...

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Happy, I already know you saw this on my post, but just reminding you and placing it here so it can be official and legal.


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okay have a great weekend peace

ya i checked this in your thread...I always manuallly enter URL links but I will definitely check this out.


Have you tried it with all the Themes and not just the one you are using?


Make SURE if you report a problem that you let me know which theme(s) you have tested it on and found it to not work!!!


each theme is slightly different in how it handles certain functions so if something works in ForestOrange it might not work in HeavyMetal...

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