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Should I Do It?


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Alright, here's my situation. i recently built a machine, and i put an msi geforce fx 5600 128mb 8x agp vid card in it. now here's my dilemma. halo is out, hl2 is coming, as is doom3, soooo...should i get a radeon 9800 pro or stick with what i have? my friend is willing to give me 125 bucks for my card, which is only a loss of like 30 dollars. so that's not a big deal to me. but i don't know whether or not i should get it now, or wait until the new 9800 gets going or what. need a little help deciding.

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yeah, see i'm definitely up for getting rid of the card, but i'm not going to spend 4-500 on an xt. it's not even that much more performance than the 128mb 9800. there are two questions though: 1. when does the xt launch and 2. how much of a price reduction am i going to see in the 9800? i mean am i looking at $20, $50, $100? that's going to be the real deciding factor. i can hold on to the card for another month, and then get the 9800, you know?

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so what do you guys think, how long should i wait? a few weeks? i should probably at least wait to see how the 9600proxt benches right? that should help the price of the 9800pro too right?

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it's not so much that i'm lacking performance...i'm not really upset with what i'm getting, i know it could be better, but i need to make the economical choice. i want a 9800 pro, but i also don't want to spend 50 bucks more than i have to, so i'm trying to figure out when the prime time to buy is

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You also have to realize that the high end cards aren't gonna go down in price when they come out. Your CARD WILL.. Sell it now while its worth some good money.....

Edited by AYoKoNA

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