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New DFI Lanparty UT NF590 SLI-MR2/G

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"PS: Better get a sig together, even if its not a DFI system, and even if its just a 'proposed' rig."


MoBo : DFI LanParty UT nF590 SLI-MR2/G

CPU : AMD64 X2 4400+ 128KBx2 L1/1MBx2 L2 Cache

RAM : OCZ Gold DDR2-800 2x1GB Kit (OCZ28002048ELDCGE-K)

GFX : XFX GeForce 7950GX2 520M

HDD : WD 37.7GB Raptor 16MB Cache (x2)

PSU : OCZ GameXstream 700W

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"PS: Better get a sig together, even if its not a DFI system, and even if its just a 'proposed' rig."


MoBo : DFI LanParty UT nF590 SLI-MR2/G

CPU : AMD64 X2 4400+ 128KBx2 L1/1MBx2 L2 Cache

RAM : OCZ Gold DDR2-800 2x1GB Kit (OCZ28002048ELDCGE-K)

GFX : XFX GeForce 7950GX2 520M

HDD : WD 37.7GB Raptor 16MB Cache (x2)

PSU : OCZ GameXstream 700W

best put that in your sig instead of in a post ;) (that way it shows up in every post)

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Looks like the bar has been set - 350 HTT out of the box -I'm sure the DFI's will do better ;) Matt

While I like anandtech for the most part, I always want more info from their reviews.


Anand has never come right out and given his definition of "stable".


I can make a rig stable enough to boot the OS and not much else.


I wish every review site would post their standard "stability" test suite and how it's used. This would make for a better comparison of results.

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LOL, well said ExRoadie!!!!


Sometimes Anandtech list all the aplications they run in order to say a system is stable or not... and non of those is Prime95 or SuperPi 32m... on the contrary, they just work to test the system booted Windows, and nothing more.


At least Anandtech editors and reviewers are kind enough to tell that information, others like the infamous Tomshardwareguide do not say anything about anything: "I ever shake Tom's hand I would check how many fingers I have left"

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Are bugs usually fixed with second rev? or do they need three or more?... also, how long is it, generally, after an initial release, that they come up with the rev2 model?

Simple answer, as many times as it takes to work all the bugs out. The biggest bugs get worked out in the first, then every other revision is like a finer grit sandpaper, until the surfrace is nice and glossy smooth.

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While I like anandtech for the most part, I always want more info from their reviews.


Anand has never come right out and given his definition of "stable".


I can make a rig stable enough to boot the OS and not much else.


I wish every review site would post their standard "stability" test suite and how it's used. This would make for a better comparison of results.

no review site as far as I know has any definition of stable other than "it ran these benchmarks"


as we ALL know and have found ourselves, our nice fat overclocks that can produce suicide screens or even completed 3dmark benchmarks don't really have much to do with overall total system stability.


even our prime95 Overclocking Database that only runs 8 hours is not considered 100% true test of stability (however, it is unlikely that you will stress your machine more than 8 hours of 100% cpu testing with different size computations running in and out of memory that is required in the OC Database).


The Stock Speed Database is more proper for the full 24 hours of cpu/RAM torture. If we really wanted to show more stability, you would run 3dmark05 for 8-24 hours in loops or just play Oblivion for 6 hours then a couple hours of music, web surfing, emailing, and video watching.







as ExRoadmaster says, I too am bothered by Anand's (and every other review site that test cutting-edge for overclocking to make recommendations to buyers) lack of definition on 'stability'.


I also tend to not pay a lot of attention to reviews about mobo/cpu/ram/vid cards etc because of the fact that they really are pretty weak in their testing of a product...however a review is FANTASTIC for info on what the product is, how it works (depending on the product/situation), if games or software show any increase from the same suite of tests that were run on other previous review machines, etc.


Reviews these days are nothing more than corporate sponsored advertising.


We send you a product, you give it a review the same way you 'review' (ie: market to readers) every other product.


When was the last time you truly saw a bad review on a MAINSTREAM product?


Yeah...good luck remembering one that was less than "mediocre" or 7/10.


When is the last review of a truly awful product that the reviewer stated plainly "this is an awful product"?


Yeah again...good luck with that.


Again, I am talking about real review sites, not user-reviews like we do here and MANY OTHER forums were doing long before we were at DFI-Street.



If you really think about it, corp-sponsored advertising is all reviews are anymore.


When I want a real product review, I turn to a place like Consumer Reports, or I find guys like you who have already PURCHASED the product and have been using it.


Reviewers have forgotten something ultimately important and for the last few years, it has tainted their reviewing capabilities (though of course there are a few reliable review(s)/(ers) that fall outside of the generalization I am making.


The most important factor that reviewers have evolved away from, that you and I still have very very much inside of us...





Like I said, some reviewers that do the big site reviews still buy things with their own money, and you can sense their passion or lack of by this, but even then they are still being quite reserved because the site they work for or write reviews for, is STILL GETTING HANDOUT REVIEW SAMPLES.


ie: you hated Jimmy Inc's handheld bazooka...hated it and hated the fact that you were suckered into buying it for $250 like a lot of others were...and like almost all others, its a pile of junk.


But...when you go to tell everyone about what a giant piece of junk Jimmy Inc's $250 bazooka is, you then remember that for all those thousands of people to read it and know it from your opinion (which they trust greatly for the most part), you will have to post it and that means that your website is pretty much gonna be blacklisted from any future product showcases and review samples from Jimmy Inc....because Jimmy Inc wants you to buy that $250 bazooka...and you, mr respectable reviewer, would pretty much tank sales and draw other angry users to vouch for your word, effectively killing the bazooka product line and costing Jimmy Inc a lot of money.


Jimmy Inc ain't gonna take kindly to such a public trouncing.




Now, none of this is even remotely my way of saying any respectable places are nothing but corporate sponsored advertising and their reviews and reviewers are total crap.


But it should give you something to think about....yes?



The trend, and companies like Intel are beginning to finally wake up because AMD has been doing it for years, is to find the end-user.


Guys like you and me who work hard and play harder and want to spend on our money to play even harder than that. Guys like you and me who won't blink to drop $400 on a cpu or video card to have that edge and faster frames per second.



Guys like you and me...we aren't bothered by the fact that AMD might not ever send us a free processor...because we will either keep buying them and getting others to buy them since we think they are the best and was damn sure worth the money we spent, or we'll tell someone that it was the biggest mistake we ever made and if we could, we'd buy the other company's product to build a time machine to go back in time to stop ourselves from ever buying such a piece of crap as we spent all that money on...


See...you ain't never had XFX stop by and drop off 2 of the latest X9999's or 9999GTX's to review and keep, hey we don't need the money so just have them and spread the word!


You, like me, fretted for a few minutes over hitting the "submit order" button on that $500 X99999 card....even though we saved our money properly, and even though it's what we really want...thats a lot of %#@$#@ money to drop on a video card to play games...we hesitate just a moment because we know that in 3 months the price will be down to $350, and in 6 months it will be old news and down to $250 but the new $500 card like X19999 will be the newest, most expensive, most badass card in the land....and it will play Quake9 better than your $500-now card will.


It's a big decision even for those of us who have money to burn (though that pretty much wipes that title from me as I'm not able to even buy a single $500 video card but once per year...and this is my job!).


So we want to know...is my $500 really worth it?


And we go find other like-minded individuals...hey man, I want this X9999 what do you think? Well gee man, I bought one...and my FPS in Super Blaster Doom 12 shot up from 70fps with medium settings to 90fps at max settings so yeah, its totally worth that $500. Hey man, I'm glad you got your money's worth, but this ^%@$#@# $500 card has done nothing but delay me from playing Super Skullkrush 2006 because I bought my entire $2500 rig to just play that game (and watch porno and pirate music) and it aint worked a day since i put it in....


Thats the beauty of the internet these days...it's the grass-roots promotion that we do that drives the industry now...but this is just the beginning...soon it will be...the overwhelming force of how the technology as well as every other consumer/product aspect of our lives will be governed.


Intel doesn't have travelling salesmen going door to door, town to town, showing you how great their new cpu's are and why you need to buy one now now now and believe every word that the salesman is saying cuz he's using big technology words.


Intel decides they want you to know about Conroe and they will just start showing reviewers, overclockers, enthusiasts, real people and then handing out samples so everyone can see for themselves...and when they use those big technology words, others see them and find the definitions for them and ask other independent people who know these things and know if they are bull crap or real...and when independent guys who have no ties to Intel basically back up every claim Intel is making...then the revolution has begun through evolution.





so what's you damn point Angry???




My point is the same as it always is, preached from the pulpit to you...save your money if you ain't got it, and wait to see what real users who had the money to burn have bought one, and came back and told ya whether or not its a worthy item to have the wife all pissed off at ya cuz you just blew $400 to have it.


A review at a big site...can't make me tempt fate and test the wrath of my future wife...no reviewer gets that much respect from me, especially knowing how the corporate game works with companies handing out free candy to these reviewers.



27 guys in a forum pretty much all agreeing that they too nearly lost their manhood in the middle of the night from a very angry wife who saw the bank account short by $400 for some stupid toy to make our Counter Strike play faster...those guys I can respect because if they are willing to face castration over a new piece of hardware...it MUST be worth it.



And when those 27 guys show up, and 20 of them have went to great lengths to show you how stable their machines are, and not just throwing up a superpi score and a 3dmark benchmark, or even a BF2 timedemo benchmark, but have been playing BF2, FEAR, WoW, and such for two or three weeks with nary a crash...then you can begin to respect even more that this is definitely better than any review you read on the big sites where teh reviewers not only got handed free candy, but never did much other than put it together, run some benches, overclock it to where they could run the benches again, then post up the results and move on to the next board/product etc.


Guys like you and me...if our computer fails, everyone in the forums we visit hears about it, and our friends and good acquaintances know that we don't just sit around sending email and playing Bejeweled. They all know that we super-clockify everything, volt-mod it with pencils and use watercooling etc, and that we play 4 hour stretches of BF2, then watch 4 DVD's, then go play 6 more hours of Oblivion and we even go to the TweakGuides site to find out what to TURN ALL THE WAY UP instead of that sissy crap of turning stuff off or down so it plays better boo hoo for you I got a Super 199999 Diamond Gold Platinum EXPRESS MASTER MONSTER X40000GTX that had better damn well play FEAR Vol 6 at 2048x2048 with 20xAA/48xAF and triple-sensitive motion lighting detection physics evolution = enabled and maxed out.




Anyway...that's just my take.


I've had a lot of DFI motherboards that blew the doors off my rig the instant I put it in...and better yet, lasted the test of time.


My NF3 250Gb...had some oddities at first...but it was my main monster overclocked rig for almost 6 months until the NF4 SLI-DR came out...and it WAS my main rig from January 2005 to what...March of this year when I went to the Expert NF4? And that SLI-DR, like the NF3, was not just overclocked...but it was wheezing and even maybe bleeding from the force of clocking that I made it run at every single day..the NF4 especially running BH-5 @ 265x11 w/3.5v vdimm for almost 7 months alone...


those boards are STILL running...AceGoober got my SLI-DR and it should be blowing the doors off his momma's house from 2,000+ miles away still...and my NF3 is STILL running...it's my brother's machine and while he aint the crazed psychopath gamer that I am, he plays Mafia and NHL 2006 and Poker and probably does a lot of the porno thing when we are not around (cuz he's 40 and single again) etc...and it runs every single day without a single issue.



when I recommend an NF3 250Gb to anyone, and that person sees my quote's in about 5 user sigs around the forums as the "NF3 is the most bulletproof board I've ever owned" or whatever they've quoted me in more than a few posts...that tells whoever I recommended the board to that if I'm Lyin', I'm Dyin' lol.



I've never lied about my assessment of DFI's motherboards, even when my opinion is not really that high (NF4 Expert).


Some boards I've given an initial "whooaaaaa hold up there pardner and don't be spending your money on this just yet" to...only to get a killer bios from DFI or OCZ Tony and then raise the gates and tell everyone "holy #$@# you got to get yourself one of these boards". We were a little unsure about the NF4 at first, because it was so new and it worked but it was a problem child from January 25th when we got them to about....March 16th (the infamous 3/16 bios).


3/16 bios made that %@#$@ board fly, and cleared up 90% of all the problems...then came the 5/10- bioses...and Rgone and I found that 5/10-2 was teh be-all/end-all bios for the board...and it made the board even MORE space-rocket friendly.


Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, 6/23 arrived and OCZ Tony modified it to what you all know as "7/04-2BTA"


that is the BIOS I STILL use on all of my original NF4 boards (because I don't have a new FX-60 cpu to worry about I dont have to flash it for any reason).


That is the bios I still recommend.



anyway...momma is bugging me to stfu and go play some Titan Quest with her...so /end rant now ;)



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Good statement :)


even our prime95 Overclocking Database that only runs 8 hours is not considered 100% true test of stability (however, it is unlikely that you will stress your machine more than 8 hours of 100% cpu testing with different size computations running in and out of memory that is required in the OC Database).

What you say its true HG... however, if a system can pass 8 hours of Prime95 torture test with out any error its highly improbable that any user in this planet could get an error using normal aplications or games in at least an equal amount of time.


There are people who depend on the use of the computer for several straight days, however their aplications do not push the hardware to their limits. Maybe when rendering a 3D movie, like those Pixar people do, or designing with Autocad rendering a huge design... but these tasks are done in small intervals of time, and even an unstable computer (4 hours Prime95 stable) could run these tasks.


However when you buy a computer you are said it will be 100% stable, that means it could run an infinite amount of hours in Prime95... if a system can't claim this then it is not stable. Thats why some people need motherboards from Asus and Gigabyte, hehe, because these aren't for overclocking.


Just my humble opinion.

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Actually I would imagine if you're doing CG movies like Pixar, it's more likely that they just go with top-of-the-line parts. I don't know if Pixar even uses overclocked machines but I'd doubt it. Probably more like 8xSLI with two FX-62s running and 32 GiB of ram.

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I have a customer that runs a render farm of DFI nF4-D boards 24/7 running at near 100% utilization for weeks at a time.


These boards were run at stock speeds for a few months but increased resolution in his output required a bump in speed. They now run with a 15% boost in FSB with no problems.

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