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The AMD 3GHz Club

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Yep, 'specially if you go liquid, you'll have a silent system in no time...


I forgot to turn on my HVB this morning while using my computer and I actually didn't notice how quiet it is until I realized the fan wasn't on... temps were still very low too, was neat. I'm probably going to replace it with a few Thermaltake 120mm fans and go for silence as well (since my system is liquid cooled and it ain't running TOO hot, 63C core load at this high of voltage ain't hot at all, actual CPU temp never got above low 50s)


Been on water for years, just never for the purpose of quiet. I had my E6700 up to 4.2Ghz on phase change, when I was done with the OC it was kind of like "now what do I do" so I just went back to water and haven't touched it since.

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Ya'll think 540 (shipping included) is a good price for a barely used OEM 8800 Ultra? I'm thinkin' about it... LOL Tis an EVGA clocked at 612MHz, 2160MHz Mem, could buy it and sell both my currents.. hmmm, what to do... ::Thinks about it::


No. Your current SLI will out perform the Ultra. Ultras are a waste of money. They are overpriced overclocked 8800GTXs. There is no difference in the architecture between the ultras and the non-ultras. IMO they are just binned from the regular 8800s.

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Testing all the same settings but at 3.7GHz just for kicks. I tried to bust out 4GHz with 1.525 and then 1.55Vs but neither would even pass 3DMark06 so I gave up (temps were high anyway).


We'll see if 3.7 passes, it's primin' right now, will have a pass or fail grade at 8:31AM this mornin' at the latest.

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you got that BH-5 figured out on that rdx200 yet
Not yet. I loaded up Windows, installed the drivers, tested the CPU for cold bug and haven't fired the rig up since. I am going to be strapping my phase to it and making a run at the top spot in the 3G club pretty soon. It's been hot and humid down here for awhile so by the time I get done at the shop I'm pretty much fried. The last thing I want to do when I get home is screw around with my rig and add another 300 watts of heat to my room.

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For some reason it failed somewhere between 1:30 (when I went to bed) and 8 hours of testing... very odd. Ah well, temps are lower now cuz I rearranged my liquid cooling system so the radiator is on top of my case, seems to have helped a little on temps.


4GHz woulda been great though, performance I got on the first two tests of 06 before it froze in CPU test 1 was awesome, difference between it and 3.666 was actually noticable.

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Well the main thing I wanna see is the difference VS. one of my cards in Oblivion with AA on. Since ATI is supposedly better at AA+HDR, although I think the tables turned on that when the 8 series came out. 'sides, I have a better rep than the current seller so when i resell it I can make money off it ;)

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