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Band Of Brothers


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well.. i know it was almost a year since this was on tv... but i never had the chance to watch it, i just now got around to downloading the full 10 part series ( just over 11 hours viewing time ) anyways... what an incredable series, call me a freak but i couldnt stop watching it, i watched episodes 1 to 5 in 1 sitting and the the remaining 5 the following night, being in cadets during my childhood and the canadian reservers for 2 years hase really struck a deep intrest in military history and anything military realted ( dont think there is a single war related movie i havent seen or own, even ones i doubt most of you have heard of ) BoB was very well put together and from what i can tell historically correct 95% of the time, Steven Speilsburg and Tom Hanks did an incredably job on this series... just my humble opinion




*** and a side note... for those that have seen it.. maybe it was just me... but doesnt Damian Lewis ( Maj. Winters ) look like the lead singer from Queens of the Stone Age, Josh Hommes???? i just found that little funny

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I want to watch that set so bad, keep on seeing it at the video rental place for 5 bucks for 5 days, thinking of getting it and watching it. I like to watch most all war movies. (more truethfull the better)

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It is one of the best series i have ever seen . The fact that everything in it actually happened was awesome. The looks in the eyes of the men who were there as they recall those times is incredible. Thier emotions say more than thier words.Amazing

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I was able to watch the series as it aired on TV. The series totally rocks! I watched it over and over as they kept running the episodes like once a month for a while.


Comes in a cool Metal Case if you buy the whole set on DVD.


This would be a great candidate to put on your X-Mas list. :P

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