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pc wont boot

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ok just got my rmaed mobo back.installed everything but when i turn it no the fans and everthing run for a bout 2-3 seconds and then the pc just switches it self off.i have cheaked all the connections and everthing any idea.

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That is a SeaSonic PSU issue that still hasn't been fixed from either side (DFI or SeaSonic). My suggestion is return that SeaSonic and get an OCZ 600 SLI in return, or their might be a way around your problem, i think?

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ok got a new psu the enermax nosietaker 600w which is in your psu A list.but same thing happins the pc turns on and powers for about 3 seconds and then just turn off? any ideas again.

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Pull all components from case.


Perform minimum hardware build outside of the case. Set your motherboard on your m/b box or anti-static wrap.


Build using only the following;


Power supply


Single stick of RAM in orange slot furthest from CPU

Single hard drive

Video Card

PS2 mouse and PS2 keyboard


Perform full and proper CMOS clear. Reboot and see if you get a post screen, if so enter BIOS and load optimized defaults. Save, exit and shutdown. Add single optical drive and reboot again. Enter BIOS and set boot order to CDROM, disable, disable or CDROM, hard drive, disable (either works).


Reboot, plop in XP disk and you should be good to go (assuming you dont have a bad stick of RAM or faulty CPU)

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Guest Retratserif

Update to my issue. Which was the same. I used a ballistic 512 ram and a very old PSU and it booted. It will not oot using a newer or better PSU. Go figure. That was a huge waste of money.

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