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Prime 95 Old?


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I dont get it. I have a FX-60 at 3.0 GHz, I can run run two games at once without a problem, temps hover around 28C idle 40C load with 1.5 v, yet I cannot prime no matter what voltage I use. Super Pi completes 32M without incident, I get 10,700 in 3D Mark06, memtest stable, but no prime stable. Im about to say screw prime95. That program has cost me so much money. LOL

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I have the same board and he same memory as you have in your sig. I have the 12/07 bios and I am having serious trouble getting my ram to run on a 9/10 divider. Could you give a detailed list of your bios settings and whether the bios change will help me get stable on that divider. cheers.

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you mean HTT?

Is is said in general to keep it below 2000. But I am not stable below 2000. I am running a little bit above.

But if you increase it a lot yu will have boot problems.. normally its better to keep it lower...

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I dont get it. I have a FX-60 at 3.0 GHz, I can run run two games at once without a problem, temps hover around 28C idle 40C load with 1.5 v, yet I cannot prime no matter what voltage I use. Super Pi completes 32M without incident, I get 10,700 in 3D Mark06, memtest stable, but no prime stable. Im about to say screw prime95. That program has cost me so much money. LOL


As long as you are not getting any crashes (24/7) with what you are doing, I would say screw prime.


Once you get lock-ups, hangs, restarts, blue screens then you NEED to go back :)

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I am in the the process of my first OC, and I just spent the last 10 days testing. I can tell you this, out of all the tests for stability Prime95 is definitively the toughest. SuperPi is a joke, OCCT is a lot better, but not quite as good as Prime. If you want definitive stability listen to Prime. :)

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If your machine is not Prime stable, I'll gaurantee you one of these days your going to get a BSOD, random reboot, or your machine will freeze altogether.


That said, if you don't have any day to day problems you should be okay.


Personally, I'd rather have a fast, stable machine over a crazy fast machine thats not stable.

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i agree - better to be slower and stable than fast and unstable -


i havnt used prime95 - i always use sp2004 -- its the same thing - but everyone says prime95 is the one to be stable at - i just like the way sp2004 looks over prime95 - it does the same thing --


i would start over with stock settings and run it

then work up again slowly - and run it each time


i will run prime95 to be safe once i am done and stable with sp2004 - just to be curious if i pass it


but try again slowly and take note of the changes made as you go alone

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I agree with the guys that think prime is a must, then again you don't need to, I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anythign like that.

It's not just bsod's or what not, it's actual data, would you want to take the chance and corrupt data storage?


Prime95, superpi, s&m.

I don't like occt at all, it does'nt run on my rig, not because of instabiity, but that probgram relies on something I removed from windows.



Prime95 is a joke only if you use small fft's.

Use large ones, a custom test is in order here ;).

Min to use is 1024k-4096k.


Superpi, min to use is 32m.


S&M, min to use is the memory test, normal length.

Also use the short, ands long and or loop mode fpu test at 100% load wihtout running ANYTHNG else in the background.

If running a loop, run 3 of them for min, after that it shoudl be ok to move onto prime or if you allready have, it's top'ed off and good to go.


I use s&m and prime, or s&m and superpi.

I allways end it with prime or s&m.



Superpi is sorta of joke, but it works pretty well for figuering out things, and it does one heck of a job breaking in the bus.

Prime is ok for breakin too, s&m is most of the time, more harm then good when trying for a breakin.


Memtest is the real joke.

However it should be tried once in a while, it saves time.

Quick testing, if you're not memtest stable you can make it stable with something else lol, then it's memtest stable, funny stuff too.

Never use memtest to breakin.



Anyways liek I said, it's a matter of how dear you hold your data, if you don't care if you're dl's are wiped, the by all means.

Same goes for backups of stuff, if you don't care that the cd/dvd backup you did is 100% good, then by all means live with a tiny bit of corruption here and there.



Just know that no one will take your oc seriously if you don't do real testing of any sort.

I mean, lots actually will, I can't understand why, but some won't, which includes me.

You get a 800mhz memory or something on that board, I would say cool, but that's about it.

Suicide shots are stupid, and that's exactly what that is, no serious testing.

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