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comp not turning on?

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so heres what ya do, follow the steps on this page, do a 24 hour power drain


then after you have done that and if it still does not work buy one of the PSUs on this list, I didnt think it was important at first, but it really is, MAKE SURE THE PSU is compatible, I cant stress this enough it will save you hours. http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10854 I highly recomend the OCZ PowerStream 520W, in fact im sure half the members here would recomend them as well. ANd for the future Ultra PSUs and DFI mobos hate each other

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The thinbg is, I went with two PSUs that I thought would be fine and were within my price range, and neither of them worked. So really, to save yourself the price of shipping back, restocking fee, and s&h on a new PSU I really stress that you try the OCZ 520w, it is only $30 more than the one above, whats that an hour more of a good job :D


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A problem I had a while back, I didnt realize it after about 3 days, all the systems I was building were shorting out, and I had no idea why, so I tried them out of the case and it worked fine. I then looked at the grounders and the PAINT was coming off, I took a magnet to them, low and behold they were magnetic crap. SO make sure you have good grounders and at least six of them on installed

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yeh well also i need a supply asap cuz i dont have a cp to use for college/gameing i need sumthin will work and that i can get over night.....is there anything wrong with the one i linked.....my question is will it do the job?

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ok thanks for the advice....but 1 other question i have is why did this happen?do power supplies just go like that? my biggest question is what can i do to prevent this from happening again.i just want an explanation (not to be bossy) just never herd of this happen like it did.

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well i just hooked up a different power supply to it and same thing happend....so im lookin at either that case or the mobo?when i try to power on the 1 led light on the mobo turns on red....then after i hit the power button everything lights up,fans move for a sec....then boom same thing no power up,the 2nd led light comes on and stays so i dont kno how to figure out if its the mobo or the case it self any sugguestions for the easiest and fastest way of doing it.

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Both red lights should stay on.


Are you using a 24pin psu? 20pin psu's with adapters are not recommended. Did you plug the additional 4pin cable to the motherboard? Does your vga card require a power cable? Did you plug it?

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24 pin psu yes i am......i actually just ordered some new stuff i might have also determined that its the case as well but instead i went ahead and tried somthin new i purchased a Asus A8N-SLI nForce4 SLI Athlon 64(FX) Skt939 DDR ATX Motherboard w/Audio, Gigabit LAN, RAID/Serial ATA due to the fact of this is my second problem with this mobo....they are too confusing for me and keep letting me down.and yes i did everything i checked it and then double checked like i said at this point i think its the mobo fried....but i do have one concern im wonderin if it friend anything else when it went my ......cpu/video card/hard drive does this usually happen when mobo fry? :confused:

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i havent read everything suggested, but this can happen when PC suddenley turns off, take your POWER CABLE out of ur PSU and out of your power in your wall, leave it for a while, 10-15mins.... maby more. then plug it up and try and boot, i sue to always have this prob with my old crashing PC that seemed to fixed it...


sorry if this is out dated, or not useful, jsut had no time to read ur comemnts. thanks cya g2g.

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