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Finally! Pics of the Swiftech MCX 6400-V with 120MM fan mod


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I had a previous thread about this....and finally found the camera (wife had it in the car...go figure). Here is what I used. I found a set of four zinc plated 1" x 1/2" corner braces (National part number N227-389) and I made a set of S braces out of them by using 6/32 x 3/8" screws and bolts. Low and behold...the two S braces I created were the perfect size to hold a 120MM fan...right in the middle of the heatsink. I installed the braces on the top right hand side and the lower left hand side of the heatsink brackets for the 80MM fan. I then used the SilenX 14dBa (yeah right) fan to blow air on the heatsink.


The first pic shows the view with the door on, and the second pic is the pic of the bottom left hand corner bracket mod. She now runs at 29 - 31 c ilde.....with this fan. I will be ordering the Panaflo soon to match the one in the back! This is an easy mod to do....and really quiets the system down....plus allows you to get to the RAM. To put it in perspective, my idle temps are 3 - 5 c lower than with the Ninja, and 7 - 8 c lower on load. In my testing....the Swiftech is superior to anything I have used in this system.

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Sure does! Just wish I came up with this idea before spending $40 on the Ninja......and what a project to get the glueplate in the back off!


For anyone ever considering a Ninja.....DO NOT USE THEIR BACKPLATE....unless you use some other adhesive pad or something. The glue seriously bonds so tight to the board that people have reported removal took parts off with it.


The best thing about the Swiftech is truly how easy it is to put on and take off when wanting to reapply thermal compound. Swiftech is hands down my number one choice now...the 1/2 copper base and the 405 helicoid pins really do give heatpipes a run for the money. I have read that there was better performance with 80MM fans than 92MM fans....but going to the 120MM fan shows better performance (and significant noise reduction) than the 80 ever will....and a mod that cost only $7.00 to make it work is the real kicker!

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As you requested....just not as quick...


I took pics of the brackets off of the heatsink...not difficult to figure out how it goes on. One side bolts onto the Swiftech 80MM fan bracket, the other end bolts onto the 120MM fan. I have been running cpuburn for Linux for about a week.....temps on load never go above 38 c on the X2 3800+


Still waiting for the job thing to get settled before I go out and get a Panaflo M1A to replace the SilenX.

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