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looking for absolutely best heatsink for dual core opty.

Shadow of chaos

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Hi, i am going to buy the SI-120, except im having problems choosing a fan.


http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Onl...YS_Tech_60.html on this page, i was thinking of ordering the one at the very bottom. is 40db loud? it seems to push more air than the one above and be quieter? :confused: if its quieter than my stock hs fan at full pelt then ill go for it.



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the only reason it beats the other in the X-Bit labs test is because different fans were used - pretty much screws up their whole test data - and they don't mention noise.


other reviews place the Tuniq on the same level as the rest, sometimes a degree higher/lower , I've compiled a small table with different sites' results here: http://www.madshrimps.be/forums/showthread...highlight=Tuniq

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lol. No kidding. Although, i'm into performance more than looks, from all the testing i did, the xp-120 was the winner. I was going to use whatever worked the best.




if you go here

they have a xp-120 and si-120 with the same fan and the si-120 out performs the xp-120.


the temp differance didn't look too great and temps can fluctuate so maybe they are equal or fairly close to equal.

Edit: actually the differance is 5* and i was thinking it was like 1 or 2 , so thats kinda weird that two people got diff results

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I have the SI-120 and chose the Silverstone FM121 fan. It's 16 bucks and comes with a controller that fits in a 3.5" bay. I don't run a floppy, so I just put it there. It's not the most perfect fit in the 3.5" slot, but my case has a front door, so it's only visible when I have the door open (it's a bit set back from being flush with the front). I can turn it up if needed, otherwise I have it running silent at my currently-stock speeds and I have great temps.


Newegg - Silverstone FM121

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i just want a fan that is 120mm for the SI-120 and is at least a little quieter than the stock HS/F as its pretty noisy.. it has to be from a uk site though so id like suggestions of a fan from overclockers.co.uk if possible.. though they seem to be noisy.. :( i will order it as soon as i know which fan to get

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keep your hands up dude, there are pleny of HSF which perform on par with TR products, that doesn't make them bad, it makes them all good.


stating that TR is "the best" --- "hands down" --- shows a lack of understanding :dog:


Thanks for your comments, although cute, were not needed. So, do yourself a favor and relax yourself.


I did a good bit of testing, as i do with all my adventures and projects. You don't know who i am, i don't know who you are, so keep the assumptions in your head and don't make a fool out of yourself in public.


Now, back on topic.............




BTW, the SI- XP-120 won me over because of many different things, not just CPU cooling.

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