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Best video card out there?


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The cards I had intended to use will not be used ZipZoomFly ran out of them even though the web site says they have them. So now I wanted to if anyone uses this card in there system? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814130237

I don't think that I can afford two right now but I do want to get one to start out with. Let me know if I should wait and two?

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Guest Dynamic

Right now the X1900's are the best in single and crossfire mode...hands down, but not sure if you really need a crossfire board to run them or not.

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Why would you upgrade from a 7800GT to a 7800GTX 256MB? The difference is pretty minimal. Less than 5FPS difference in every game benchmark at any resolution you would play at that I've seen. Not even a significant difference between SLI comparisons (and two 7800GT's will easily outclass a single GTX 256MB). If you really have a burning need to spend some cash on a new video card, pony up $200 more and get a GTX 512MB (assuming you can find one for sale). Still won't beat the two 7800GT's but it will be a lot closer and give you the room to upgrade to a second card. Either that or buy a RDX200 Crossfire motherboard ($165), move everything onto it and pickup a X1900XTX for $650. A single one of those is a match for two 7800GT's (except in OpenGL games) and gives you the room to upgrade later. Though if you did upgrade to Crossfire, I'd go with a X1900XT since the Crossfire Mastercard is the same clock speed at that one and would drag a X1900XTX down to X1900XT speeds.


Or as SeanDude05 said, just wait for the next card to come out which shouldn't be too long.

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buy an x1900xt. dont think about it just do it. they are awesome. mine doesnt even break a sweat at 675/785 and my system scores 5300 in 3dM06. for a single core cpu rig thats pretty damn amazing. go forth and spend you will. play games at max res you shall. be dissapointed you wont. :D:D:D

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buy an x1900xt. dont think about it just do it. they are awesome. mine doesnt even break a sweat at 675/785 and my system scores 5300 in 3dM06. for a single core cpu rig thats pretty damn amazing. go forth and spend you will. play games at max res you shall. be dissapointed you wont. :D:D:D



He can already play any game at maximum resolution with every graphical setting set to max.


And two 7800GT's are better than a single X1900XT.

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