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DIY Street Linux Thread.

Guest culinist_merged

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so what good linux games are out?


Can we expect more games software companies to take up linux over the next few years?






Doom3 on linux rocks. Quake4 works.





Pay for below, but worth it if you have something specific that is keeping you from going full linux. Forget about DX10 for now, it's a MS ploy to keep people on M$ products. OpenGL will do whatever you need in a game.



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I have an ubuntu question.....


Earlier today I downloaded 6.10. when I burned the iso, I was able to get into ubuntu by booting from the cd drive. then when I would try to install, it always hung at 42%. I tried 4 different times, and it hung up at the same place, 42%, each time.


I also have a cd with 6.06 on it already. I have installed it before on my machine, and I tried that CD. I could install everything fine with no errors, then we I restarted, i got an error before even getting into ubuntu. "error booting operating system" or something very close to that. any ideas?

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sounds like you got a bad burn or bad download. I'd re-download the iso (as far as i know, you can get free ubuntu cd's from their website) checking the md5sum, burning it, setting your cpu/ram at stock frequencies, then try to install it again. Alternatively you could use one of the free install cds they send you.

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Anyone trying to install nV GFX drivers in 6.10 should try Alberto Milone's (tseliot on the Ubuntu forums) Envy script.


Someone elsewhere said something about Creative maybe releasing X-Fi drivers for linux in Q2... remotely likely?

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I am running "Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10" on my second drive. It is the best that I have used about installing my hardware right out of the box.


I have have used SuSE 10 in the past. My complaint with it was the compatibily problems.


I have been spending quite a bit of time on the Ubuntu Forums (www.ubuntuforums.org). It is not DIY-Street, but still good help.

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Ever get the feeling that there's a nagging problem that just won't go away? Prime stable for hours - yet gcc fails to compile. After much thinking and tweaking it finally worked.


Ram settings seem to be what makes the difference. I found that in my current setup that changing the DRAM Drive strength to 4 is what makes things happy again....who knew?

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Hey all of you Linux experts out there. How do I get stereo sound with my karajan in Ubuntu Edgy 6.10?


I can get the front speakers with the sub-woofer/rear speakers with the sub-woofer, but not front and rear with the sub-woofer.


Most of the folks using Linux aren't OC'ers or DFI users, so they don't understand when I talk about a karajan.

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How do I get stereo sound with my karajan in Ubuntu Edgy 6.10?


I can get the front speakers with the sub-woofer/rear speakers with the sub-woofer, but not front and rear with the sub-woofer.

It might be a mixing issue. I haven't tried Ubuntu recently and have also taken the karajan module out of my motherboard, but I do remember that the kernel module needed is snd-intel8x0. And probably an asoundrc file would need to be done up as well. Check this link http://www.alsa-project.org the info there should point you in the right direction

Most of the folks using Linux aren't OC'ers or DFI users, so they don't understand when I talk about a karajan.

True...and most OC'ers aren't using Linux


It is nice to see this thread stickied.

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Hey all of you Linux experts out there. How do I get stereo sound with my karajan in Ubuntu Edgy 6.10?


I can get the front speakers with the sub-woofer/rear speakers with the sub-woofer, but not front and rear with the sub-woofer.


Most of the folks using Linux aren't OC'ers or DFI users, so they don't understand when I talk about a karajan.


hehe your one up on me I'm still trying to get the sound working that said I'm using debian.


Edit: did you have to do anything special to get the sound working?

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Well, I fixed my problem with loading ubuntu, but I solved it in a way that I didn't want to. I burned a new copy from a different computer, and installed it on my 160GB SATA drive, and got the same error. "error booting operating system" so then I loaded it onto my 40GB IDE drive and it is working great now. is there any reason that would happen like that? I really would like to have it on the SATA drive!! any suggestions?


also, where do I need to go to get drivers for my geforce FX-5200?

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