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oh @#*# installing a x1900xt RIGHT NOW, need urgent help!

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Alright so im on my laptop right now, and im in the process of moving around my hard drives to get this long butt x1900xt to fit. the problem im having is i cant seam to find the extra power the card needs to run. I cant find that 6 prong connector from the power supply. im running a Aspire ATX 520w. i cant seam to find the 6 prong power connector and i cant find any manuals on this power supply to let me know if it has the proper connectors or not. And i dont have the manual with me here because it was my friends power supply that he switched out for mine before i left for campus and he didnt give me the manual for it. Anyone know what I should do? info ASAP would be greatly apreciated, thanks!

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He's right, it won't work.

# 1 x Main Power (20 + 4 pin)

# 1 x AUX Power

# 1 x 12V (P4)

# 2 x SATA

# 8 x Peripheral

# 2 x Floppy


Get you an OCZ Powerstream or something, just make sure it has a PCIe connector because that Aspire doesn't have one.

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Guest Dynamic

Aspire is not a good PSU to begin with in the first place, don't get confused in the power/peak and rail amps bogus info. Get yourself a strong good brand PSU around 600w since you're running alot of things unless you want to run into problems. Shoot for the OCZ Powerstream 600 if you have the money....

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s there any way to adapt one of the fan cabels to fit the port? or do i need a whole new power supply? will the card run without the extra power?


I didnt see any power adapters that came with the card, then again i got an OEM off newegg if that means anything, but i thought those cam with everything a retail did except some bonus stuff that wasent essential

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Theres no way its gona run without the power connected, and theres no way you can adapt one of the others to fit, if its an OEM then it would'nt have come with the cable, OEM's are just the cards, you need one of these here , i think that power supply will run it fine. :)

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yeah i think all i need is a 4pin to 6pin pci adapter, why did you think there was no adapter that would work daedalus?


There is one that will work, i linked you to a one which you need, i didn't mean there was no adapter for it, i meant you can't adapt one of your fan cables to work. :)


Im using a 4pin to 6pin PCI-E adapter with my x1800 XT, mine came with the card, maybe the one for your card is missing if you have the rest of the adapters, i didn't think OEM's came with all the gubbins as normally they are just the cards in a plain box. :)

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oh ok thanks, i had tryed the link earilyer and it didnt work, i assumed it was a powersupply so i didnt try again. looks like their all out of them right now tho, anyone know another good site i can trust my credit card with that has them in stock for a good price?

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