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Once Again Thanks


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I have to thank you guys again! down with internet exploder!!!!! long live opera!


best web browser I've ever used hands down. thanks D3 for the advice... now to figure out how to move my favorites and setup my email so it still opens my beloved outlook xp.

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Want to move your IE favorites to Opera?


That's easy!


Open Opera, click File > Import > Internet Explorer Favorites > browse to the directory where your favorites are stored. Directory usually is C:\Documents and Settings\**user**\Favorites (for 2k... forget for 2k3, 2k5, and xp probably the same tho)


Oh and big... you might want to grab one of the IE skins for Opera to use while at work. :P

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Ya.. the free version comes with a small banner in the top right of the screen... really isn't noticeable. I've got a license for Opera, but rarely use it... and if you go on the full screen mode of opera, the banner is gone.

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