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1Gb vs. 2Gb RAM debate


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Why is it not good to run at 2T? Granted it's a little slower and by little I really can't tell. I'm not trying to sound like a smartass, but how is it "not good" for you to run at 2T timing? If you mean the system will be a little slower (only really noticable in benchmarks) then I see what you are saying, but the setting is there for a reason and it's not going to harm anything. I have 4x512 of G.SKILL and they run great at 2-2-2-5 at 2T 200mhz (I have to run divider :) ).


why do you have to use a divider? or is it cos ur OCing? :confused: :D

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Guest Quattro

I’ve been planning an upgrade for a few months now. I was all ready to go for it Nov last year, but things had sold out, and then I started to learn about Opterons, so waited.


Anyway, im still waiting (probably wont ever get an Opteron :( ), but in the mean time, I had ordered some OCZ Rev2 (2x512) from Newegg. This was more complicated than it sounds, I’m in New Zealand so had to get a friend to bring it over, there was a lot of effort involved but I figured it was worth it after all the great talk of this ram.


And now I need 2Gb.



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i plan on upgrading to 2x1 around april. but i dont see why everyone says FEAR cant run on 2x512. i have all settings maxed out (even tried to get 1280x1024 res. but failed) and my lowest frames in the system test is around 28 and average around 50-60. and thats on kingston :-D

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Guest Quattro

I have a few questions I would like people’s thoughts on:


  • Do you think DDR ram prices will go down significantly after skt AM2 comes out?
  • Is it likely OCZ will continue making their Rev.2 Platinum’s much longer?
  • Is 4x512 really that bad?


I’m just thinking maybe my 1Gb isn’t that bad for now, and if I notice problems I could just pick up some more Rev2 later when prices go down.


Opinions welcome.



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  • 4 months later...

It probably depends a lot on your computer. I only have a 6600GT with 128mb and a 3000+ oced to about 2.4ghz and I'm not intending to upgrade any time soon (well I might get a X2 3800+ before they get phased out but nothing on the video card side) so while 2gb RAM will make a diff, I doubt it'll make that big a diff (not that I play BF2 anyway)...

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Yeah, I'm OCing :). I have my proc running at 2.6 and the memory will only do the 2-2-2-5 at 200mhz with 4x512 @ 2T.


Hmm i use looser timings when OCing find it more stable higher OC and faster over all, i never use a divider thou but what ever does the job ;)

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1. running in 2T w/ 4x512 is a serious performance hit.

2. the better 2x1gb sticks will do excellent timings now.

3. newer games with larger detail rendering pack sizes work better with more than 1gb of ram.eg. BF2

1. lies and ridiculous...nonsense...rubbish....sheesh...see the thread in AMD overclocking section


2. timings are irrelevant...see the thread in AMD overclocking section


3. true if you want 1280x1024 and the graphics (eye candy) turned up to High or Maximum etc.


1024x768 with all the graphics on low/medium, or lower resolutions = 1GB is still ok (but why would you want all the low res if you just bought a new vid card to play BF4 or Quake9?)




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