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Bud Of Mine Is Having Fun...UT 250GB...

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Any "wow" factor getting over 3.0ghz. My venice will SuperPi and bench at 3050 and is now prime stable at 2920, but it performs the same and feels the same when not benching at 2800 so I have been leaving it there.

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Any "wow" factor getting over 3.0ghz. My venice will SuperPi and bench at 3050 and is now prime stable at 2920, but it performs the same and feels the same when not benching at 2800 so I have been leaving it there.

Don’t know if you would feel the difference at 2920Mhz. I feel it comparing it to my DTR 3400 Clawhammer at nearly 2700MHz. Really the 4000+ Newark is just a slightly faster core (100-200Mhz depending on your cooling) with a more important working 13 multiplier to make use of.


I will tell you this though running below ambient for a short while at 80F idle and 100F load made a big difference in boot up and running window applications. The CPU was noticeably a lot more snappy at those temps than at my normal 102-120F.

I can only imagine what phase would be like...:cool:




Thnx for keepin it goin. A little update here. Had to shave off a couple MHZ to keep it game stable below 1.65 volts which is where I wanna run it anyway.


The only way I’m gunna keep up with you is open a window on a cold night or move my rig into a walk in freezer.:D


At 244*13=3,172MHz with 1.65v loading to only 44C….that’s great !

Water rules in the load area over air!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

who else has a CAB2E week 49 2005 Newark core?


i've got one running on air right now





it's running a DDR430 mem bus with tight timings and 1T, but it will also do a mem bus of DDR600, but only at 2.5-4-3-10-2T ...i can do 1T at 300mhz but it's not stable.


i need to work with the ram timings. i've barely touched them as they made things less stable. I'll do that once i get this system off my desktop and into my water cooled Stacker.




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who else has a CAB2E week 49 2005 Newark core?


i've got one running on air right now





it's running a DDR430 mem bus with tight timings and 1T, but it will also do a mem bus of DDR600, but only at 2.5-4-3-10-2T ...i can do 1T at 300mhz but it's not stable.


i need to work with the ram timings. i've barely touched them as they made things less stable. I'll do that once i get this system off my desktop and into my water cooled Stacker.






Hey mistress nice clocks. If you're having any issues with the "Detecting RAID Array" screen or just instability in the OS itself, I've found that the major cause of this is due to the Max Async Latency and the Read Preamble time.


Since the values for stability change with different clock speeds I've found the Auto setting works well for both. Those are now the only two settings in the Genie BIOS that I leave on auto, and it's helped alleviate a lot of issues for me. I hope it helps you the same way. Good Luck. :)

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Don't mean to get off topic but the Detecting RAID Array screen always gets me when I have usb keyboard support enabled in bios so I keep it disabled and have a regular keyboard hooked up on the side.

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Well if it ant stable then its just another suicide shot

you misunderstood me.


i said that i didn't take the mem timigs page off defualt except for tuning it to 2-2-2-10-1T. if i took the other setting off AUTO, THEN it got unstable.


do you see what i'm saying?


and, btw, 2950 DDR420 2-2-2-10-1T was my first 100% S&M, superPI 8mb, PCMark05, 3Dmark01 100% stable results.



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