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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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is there a compatability issue with dfi boards and GeoVision Cards?...they are vid input cards for pc based security system...



i know they dont work with via chipset, but dont know bout the nVidia chipset

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It seems that the Google Ad Sense gets confused from time to time. LOL


Hey! You're not Angry! (j/k)


I figured that's what was going on. Is there a way to refine how the banner works so that things like that don't come up?

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Hey! You're not Angry! (j/k)


I figured that's what was going on. Is there a way to refine how the banner works so that things like that don't come up?


I use firefox, and have the adblock plugin installed (sorry AG!) and I NEVER have seen the ad at the top. So my recomendation is to get firefox and that plugin... if you have firefox... shame on you for not utilizing it's best feature.... plug ins.

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Angry, I finally got my system up and running *does backflips*..... I guess the AS5 is starting to break in or w/e they like to reffer to it as... my temps dropped a good bit, I'm not home right now to upload any screenies or pictures but here's my bit. I'm using the 12/07 BIOS... which I guess has issues with CPU temps??? No? Yes?... anyways, I have a wired temp sensor running to the CPU (water-cooled)... it reads my CPU temps around 22C-25C at idle... I thought it must be off so I checked in the BIOS... same results, I also checked smart gaurdian, it reads it around the same temps as well... never exceeding 25C at idle. At this point I should mention both sides are off the case, it is a lian-li v1000 plus and the case temp is 19C. Are my temps really that good? Or do you think I'm getting false reading on all 3 accounts?

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Ok, time for a thinking (a little philosophy) question for Angry and Momma...


How do you view reality? Objective (concrete and things are a certain way outside of perception) or subjective (things change according to how we view them / want them to be)? Why?


I'll answer this tomorrow as this is definitely worthy of a good long Angry rant (though it really wont be a rant)


Momma answered, but you never did... still thinking about it? ;)


Also, if you could check out my Venus bios thread and tell me your opinion I would be very appreciative. :nod:

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I use firefox, and have the adblock plugin installed (sorry AG!) and I NEVER have seen the ad at the top. So my recomendation is to get firefox and that plugin... if you have firefox... shame on you for not utilizing it's best feature.... plug ins.


I do have Adblock, but the banner is the only source of income for the site, so I whitelisted the site to see if anything comes up that I'm interested in.

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For Momma and Angry,


Notice I put Momma's name first because the "momma" always comes first. I dont know if this question was asked but what would you both do if you won a million dollars. Like what charities would you donate to? What would you do for yourselves as a couple? What would you buy seperately for yourselves?


I would like to add a side note too..Bush is actually illeteriate. If you listen to his speeches long enough you realize he stumbles on alot of big words. His speech writer must pull his own hair out. I actually voted for him..what a mistake. One of my friends friend went into the army. Before he got shipped I got a chance to show him some of the 9/11 conspiracy tapes. He totally agreed with what was going on then further said his commanding officer told him the real reason for the war was for oil..


I support are troops 100% I dont support the cause though.


Btw : If my hunnie and I won a million dollars,she would be rich and I would be homeless rofl. Thats what she tells me :P

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For Momma and Angry,


Notice I put Momma's name first because the "momma" always comes first. I dont know if this question was asked but what would you both do if you won a million dollars. Like what charities would you donate to? What would you do for yourselves as a couple? What would you buy seperately for yourselves?


I would like to add a side note too..Bush is actually illeteriate. If you listen to his speeches long enough you realize he stumbles on alot of big words. His speech writer must pull his own hair out. I actually voted for him..what a mistake. One of my friends friend went into the army. Before he got shipped I got a chance to show him some of the 9/11 conspiracy tapes. He totally agreed with what was going on then further said his commanding officer told him the real reason for the war was for oil..


I support are troops 100% I dont support the cause though.


Btw : If my hunnie and I won a million dollars,she would be rich and I would be homeless rofl. Thats what she tells me :P



Lets see. I would pay off my student loans and finish up my degree without any worries of how to pay for it. Together we would buy a car or cars cause ours are extremely ghetto. We would probably also take some time to travel. We would donate some and put the rest in some kind of investment thing.

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I do have Adblock, but the banner is the only source of income for the site, so I whitelisted the site to see if anything comes up that I'm interested in.


Yea.... like I said I never even knew there was an ad at the top of the page becuase I had never seen it before.

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