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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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What's a fanta? Is it sad that I don't know what it is?


That means you haven't seen one of the more annoying commercials of our time...they play it before most movies at our local theater too...ugh.


So you're pretty lucky as far as I'm concerned.



I'm partial to the orange as well Ace. Because dammit, I DO wanna Fanta!


(Sorry to those that were reminded of the commercial and now hate me, its been in my head all day and I felt i should share my agony with the rest of you suckers :))

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i always hated Fanta, but yet i loved it after little league baseball (because our coach owned one of the local grocery stores and it was always Fanta or Shasta...but we considered RC Cola incredibly awesome, and Coca-Cola was like if we won the championship!)

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I’m wondering how you posted your BIOS screen shots on your web page?

http://www.angrygames.com/LP-A_BIOS1.htm Did you just use a digital camera?


Hope someone else didn’t already ask this question. I didn’t read all 30 pages of this thread. :D



digital camera + tripod, then reduced the size of the pics in Photoshop (I set my camera to 800x600 quality so I don't have to ever worry about breaking the 800x600 rule at the forums lol, but then I reduce the pixel and file size in Photoshop so no one has to wait for 200kb bios pictures to load)

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Thanks. That’s how I figured you did it. Probably a good idea for record keeping if one fiddles with their settings much.


Setting the camera to shoot in low resolution isn’t really necessary if you are using Photoshop. It’s so easy to do in PS. Many photos I’ve posted on the net have been between 90k and 170k that started out as 10mb RAW files.

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Thanks. That’s how I figured you did it. Probably a good idea for record keeping if one fiddles with their settings much.


Setting the camera to shoot in low resolution isn’t really necessary if you are using Photoshop. It’s so easy to do in PS. Many photos I’ve posted on the net have been between 90k and 170k that started out as 10mb RAW files.

ah but if i keep it at 800x600, then I don't have to reduce it so much or lose resolution etc


its a lot easier to start from 800x600 and go from there than it is to try and do it from 1600x1200 full resolution ;)

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There are different methods to resizing, and some work better for maintaining resolution than others. I’m a professional photographer and shoot nothing but high resolution images, and have no problem resizing without losing resolution. Not saying your method is wrong, as it certainly works, it’s just not my method. I’m shooting with all pro equipment, and I’m sure that makes a big difference in resizing, as I have much more info/resolution in an image than consumer cameras have.


The attached image started off as a 1.7MB 1632 x 2464 jpg, image, and is currently a 26k image. I can do the same thing with a 10MB RAW image.


Please don’t take this as an argument, or that my way is the only right way. There are many different workflows to achieve the end result, and you must use what works best for you, and obviously, it works. When I get my new system with the DFI board, I will most likely use your screen shots to base some of my newbie questions on. :)

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I’m shooting with all pro equipment


here's the main difference between you and the rest of us (and sometimes pro's lose sight of the fact that they are pro's and know a heck of a lot more about something than those of us that just tinker with it or do it a certain way because it is the best way for us).


I've no doubt you know a zillion times more about photography and probably photoshop than any of us or 100 of us combined


but i take my pics in 800x600 since the forum rules state no pics above 800x600, and then I resize them as needed in Photoshop to make the file size less, but the text still readable.


taking a picture of a beautiful flower is A LOT different than taking a picture of a bios screen or heavy text on a pc monitor (try it yourself and you'll see what I am talking about)

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