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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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What mysterious force lies behind a simple little piece of paper that makes your union "legal" that somehow seems to tear it apart?

ya this i could never understand


to me, marriage is what is in your heart between you and her (or him or whatever you are married to haha).


no judge, no law, no paper can bind you and another person together stronger than your own feelings.




the part I don't understand is why if you are bound with this person in your hearts for so long, that little paper cuts the binding and all of the sudden your heart isn't in it anymore lol.

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ya this i could never understand


to me, marriage is what is in your heart between you and her (or him or whatever you are married to haha).


no judge, no law, no paper can bind you and another person together stronger than your own feelings.




the part I don't understand is why if you are bound with this person in your hearts for so long, that little paper cuts the binding and all of the sudden your heart isn't in it anymore lol.

i think the relationship is dead well before the bit of paper says so

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i think the relationship is dead well before the bit of paper says so

no thats the funny thing


I have been around couples that have been together 10 years or more, and they are like teenagers in love and you can just tell they've always been happy together


but the instant they get married, it seems like the responsibility or the weight of it I dunno, something happens and the marriage dies like a gangrened limb...


there's something about marriage that makes it official and sorta just kills the love lol



same thing as having kids...

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Parhaps bringing legality into the situation somehow changes things that were freely shared before into "property". Even the individuals are labled as now being "owned" by the other (kinda sorta). Once something is tagged as your "property" you are free to do with it "legally" whatever you like because it belongs to you...Dunno...

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same thing as having kids...

lol thats not necessarily true. i see some couples who are together coz they both wanted a family an they loved and trusted each other enough as a couple to build a family on it.


but your right - others can find kids too much of a strain on them an dont find enough time for themselves anymore. shame really coz the kids are always the ones that suffer

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i didn't say kick her to the curb man!


i just said...why break something that isn't broken???


I've just seen soooo many times couples have been together 5-15 years and then they decide to get married and blammo it's divorce city in 6-12 months =(

LMFAO I was just running a line of BS about kicken her to the curb! I'm sure I may have managed to rattle a few cages. Some were prolly thinking this guy is an idiot after readin that post.


I do agree with you about break ups after marriage like that.

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Unfortunately, we pig americans will continue to cry about gas/oil prices and shortages all while driving our big pig SUV's and trucks that you don't need living in the middle of the city, as well as other gas-guzzling vehicles etc...because we won't change. We all forgot about the 1970's and gas shortages.


What are we going to do when China, soon to become the world's largest economy, begins to gain enough personal wealth in it's citizens that they all want to drive cars to get about in their giant 10,000,000+ citizen cities like Shanghai etc...? There's over a billion Chinese, and they are slowly gaining a strong enough economy to where they finally have a little personal wealth...and that means more gas/oil will be needed to drive THEIR economy...and let's face it, they outmanufacture us as it is already, and all that mfg'ing requires large volumes of oil not only for fuel, but for any petroleum-based product (go google sometime exactly how much of your everyday life items are made in some part with petroleum...you might be surprised).


What are we going to do...go invade them also? Because lets face it, if their economy is booming, and ours is busting, or not even busting just not booming anymore like the Chinese economy is, and China's demand for oil goes up along with their incomes...they can pay more for oil...they will eventually outbid us for oil, or be able to fill contracts of purchasing so much oil per month etc that the USA cannot match.


I'm sure some of you think it sounds a little alarmist, or tin-foil hat stuff, but I can assure you that China is going to be the worlds largest economy in just a few short years. And India has a billion citizens and their economy is starting to pick up (and us outsourcing jobs to them is a big contribution).



I'm worried because for a couple of years we've been strangled by the cost of rising fuel. I'm not worried that the world will suddenly run dry and there won't be anymore. I'm worried that we are relying too much on gas and oil to always be available in the quantities and at the prices we have pretty much controlled for a few decades. We could afford it, and we were the only real country to have such high volume needs.


And we went away from the 'small compact' cars that got great gas mileage, to the SUV's (PUV's as I call them), big trucks, cars that are just not really fuel efficient anymore. Toyota and Honda and a few others are still very good, but all day long I see soccer moms with ONE KID driving a Lincoln Navigator, talking on the cell phone to her friend who is probably another woman that lives in an URBAN AREA with ONE KID that is driving another Lincoln Navigator since the first one convinced her she just had to have it.





now...I'm not Mr Tree Hugger. Not by any means lol. I create as much trash as the average american, and I am sure I waste as much electricity with all this unecessary computer crap always turned on (even after I'm done 'working').


But when it comes to cars, I want a reliable (Honda/Toyota heh) car that is comfortable (Honda/Toyota) and gets great gas mileage (gasp...Honda/Toyota!) and MIGHT POSSIBLY even be a HYBRID (OMG! Angry just said something evil!)


I mean...gas is pretty expensive, and I want to get the most for my money. I try not to drive everywhere, but when I do, I want to not have to stop at the gas station 3 times. To get to the bank. Which is a block away.



So Angry, wtf does this have to do with my question? you ask...


I see us continuing to depend on gas and that means combustion engines. Until our government really gets serious and starts offering some of that government grant money to serious scientists that will either help create new energy sources, new transportation sources, a combination, or something...anything that is not harmful (or AS harmful lol) and is good for the environment and breaks our dependence on oil.


If we only needed oil for industry/mfg, think of that...cars ran on hydrogen, vegetable oil, burning books, bad children strapped to pedals...I dunno...but not gas/oil.


And those subatomic particles (which are trying to be squeezed out by Intelligent Design all the sudden) and anti-gravity engines or shields or whatever fanciful stuff that we see in games and sci-fi....those are things we REALLY could develop...if we had any scientists left honestly...and if they could get the grant money to REALLY research that.


But you know, if we break our dependence on oil, what will the poor oil companies, who made what...9 billion profit in a single fiscal quarter (3 months!!!! PROFIT!!!)




Oil companies strategically use that money to make sure there's no real incentive for other energy sources or any reason to lessen our demand on their product lol.




but you know, this is a bad place for me to rant on and on. Notice I ain't picking on any individual, whether citizen or government. I think we all have a responsibility.


And seriously...how the hell are we gonna have cool air-cars and anti-grav racing bikes and faster-than-light space travel and all that dumbass star trek dorko tech like Trans-Oscillating Gender Refabricators etc unless there's a reason to do all that research.


If we continue the way we are, we'll continue to rely on oil, and when the noose tightens on the supply, we'll end up fighting over it with someone, or many one's...and wars might fuel invention like WW1 and WW2 did...but we've got too many nasty weapons already and quite possibly real madmen with real reasons to use them.


I'd rather die in a 900mph anti-gravity racing accident...



Avatars = read the rules!



At least give those of us who only had one kid with being smart enough to only have one kid. That in itself makes up for some stupidity like driving an 8 cylinder vehicle when u don't need it.

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