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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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Guest caffeinejunkie

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?


for me it would be colorado for the snowboarding and im also addicted to the cold lol


if my room doesnt feel like an igloo then im not a very happy camper :nod:

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If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?


for me it would be colorado for the snowboarding and im also addicted to the cold lol


if my room doesnt feel like an igloo then im not a very happy camper :nod:



well...New Zealand because they are not crazy religious conservative retards like the USA is becoming, and because it is beautiful and they have snow all the way down to regular south Pacific tropical weather lol...man what a beautiful, untouched place.


but mostly Canada since they are pretty liberal (they've got better things to worry about than gay marriage and no one really hates canada so they don't have to really fight any war on terror which means they won't make any new enemies)


but mostly Canada for hockey



Sweden would be killer also because of hockey growing as a popular sport as well as their standard of living (I'd easily pay 55% of my income to be guaranteed a place to live, some of the best healthcare in the world, etc)



Netherlands because of the hookers in the windows in the redlight district hahahaha

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well...New Zealand because they are not crazy religious conservative retards like the USA is becoming, and because it is beautiful and they have snow all the way down to regular south Pacific tropical weather lol...man what a beautiful, untouched place.


but mostly Canada since they are pretty liberal (they've got better things to worry about than gay marriage and no one really hates canada so they don't have to really fight any war on terror which means they won't make any new enemies)


but mostly Canada for hockey



Sweden would be killer also because of hockey growing as a popular sport as well as their standard of living (I'd easily pay 55% of my income to be guaranteed a place to live, some of the best healthcare in the world, etc)



Netherlands because of the hookers in the windows in the redlight district hahahaha

it ant good to base what you dont see.. as the bible... just because you see that in Ideho.... dont put it in stone.... as to other things.... your happy OPEN YOUR MIND. I wonce heard you say... I got a web site BIG deal... Only YOU can open the doors that YOU need opened

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it ant good to base what you dont see as the bible just because you see that in Ideho dont put it in stone. as to other things. your happy OPEN YOUR MIND



if i deciphered your terrible spelling correctly


you are saying not to base what i see in Idaho as what happens in the rest of the world?


dude...you need to wake up lol


what happens in Idaho is nothing compared to what happens in the rest of this moronic overly-religious country


I love USA...don't get me wrong...but our founding fathers were totally against religion and politics mixing...says so right in the constitution, and they'd seen many many previous civs go sour because the instant religion gets involved in politics, it ruins it.


This ain't just an Idaho thing. Idaho is like the 48th most populous state out of 50 or something (we are near the bottom trust me)....we don't even watch local news nor read local newspapers...




just thought I'd clear that up lol

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Whoa happy... I have to disagree with you there... the constitution says absolutely nothing about separation of church and state, just that we have the freedom to choose any religion we wish and worship as we wish. The whole "separation of church and state" bit came about because it was taken out of context from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson who was actually speaking against the idea of separating them from a moral and ethical standpoint that the government should be governed themselves by the very morals and ethics which religion implies. The freedom of religion part of the constitution was instituted so that there couldn't be a national religion instituted, thus oppressing the other religions in the country as happens to be the cause of the vast majority of the population migrating from Europe at the time of the revolution.


The founding fathers were very religious... In fact they were so religious they began a revolutionary war against Britain because of the religious oppression (as well as the other oppressions, namely taxes). The woman that started all of the "separation of church and state" by misusing Mr. Jefferson's words might also well have argued for the "oppression of freedom to worship as we wish lest we offend someone", but I gather it would not have gained nearly the support when phrased to tell the truth about it.


Unfortunately it is just another part of all the PC, leftist, do no wrong except to yourself movement. Well, that's such a great attitude capable of making everyone so finely attuned to the needs of society, now isn't it? Of course if we go to the right they would make Christianity the national religion, so we just can't win... :confused:




if i deciphered your terrible spelling correctly


you are saying not to base what i see in Idaho as what happens in the rest of the world?


dude...you need to wake up lol


what happens in Idaho is nothing compared to what happens in the rest of this moronic overly-religious country


I love USA...don't get me wrong...but our founding fathers were totally against religion and politics mixing...says so right in the constitution, and they'd seen many many previous civs go sour because the instant religion gets involved in politics, it ruins it.


This ain't just an Idaho thing. Idaho is like the 48th most populous state out of 50 or something (we are near the bottom trust me)....we don't even watch local news nor read local newspapers...




just thought I'd clear that up lol

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Guest bigr5026






what is your favorite fourm (except this one)

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Whoa happy... I have to disagree with you there... the constitution says absolutely nothing about separation of church and state, just that we have the freedom to choose any religion we wish and worship as we wish. The whole "separation of church and state" bit came about because it was taken out of context from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson who was actually speaking against the idea of separating them from a moral and ethical standpoint that the government should be governed themselves by the very morals and ethics which religion implies. The freedom of religion part of the constitution was instituted so that there couldn't be a national religion instituted, thus oppressing the other religions in the country as happens to be the cause of the vast majority of the population migrating from Europe at the time of the revolution.


The founding fathers were very religious... In fact they were so religious they began a revolutionary war against Britain because of the religious oppression (as well as the other oppressions, namely taxes). The woman that started all of the "separation of church and state" by misusing Mr. Jefferson's words might also well have argued for the "oppression of freedom to worship as we wish lest we offend someone", but I gather it would not have gained nearly the support when phrased to tell the truth about it.


Unfortunately it is just another part of all the PC, leftist, do no wrong except to yourself movement. Well, that's such a great attitude capable of making everyone so finely attuned to the needs of society, now isn't it? Of course if we go to the right they would make Christianity the national religion, so we just can't win... :confused:

read it some more...go back and read some history books some more...take a few government classes and then come back and tell me I'm wrong.


The founding fathers were horrified of the idea of religion entering politics. This is why they have separation of church and state. Period.


This has zero to do with the fact that they were religious (some extremely religious, some not so religious, some barely a belief in God). Zero.


Their religion, they knew, was why other republics and civs failed throughout history. Once you let religion get involved in politics, you then get STATE RELIGION...and STATE RELIGION is the sanctioned religion of the government, which means you must be that religion or else you are in a lot of trouble (or a troublemaker, even if you weren't).


Like I said...go back and do some history. And then try to convince momma who just took all of these courses in college (I took history and government in college 10 years ago...founding fathers haven't changed since then).


Religious nuts (not you, but you know what kinds I mean) always try to say that our founding fathers were deeply religious and so they had no intention of separating church and state...but this is absolute rubbish. Any 3rd grade history lesson will explain this. Why do you think our Supreme Court has upheld separation of church and state since the country was first founded? (a few lapses here and there but for the most part, it is exactly how the founding fathers wished it to be or the constitution and our laws would be completely and radically different).

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what is your favorite fourm (except this one)



I'd have to say


in no particular order...


http://www.2khockey.net/forums/ (xbox hockey game haha)


http://www.bossgtcentral.com/modules.php?name=Forums (forums for my Boss GT-8 guitar effects processor)



well...honestly at the moment that's all I can think of...I don't have time for other forums these days =(

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Well first off do you ever go to lans


and if so what do you like better


smaller lans - like some what ghetto in someones basement and like 20 people




large lans - like in some "center" building ou know used for conventions and such with hundreds of people and professional setups




for me it's def the basement :nod:

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