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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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Sent it 02/07/2006 @ 9:14am to your DFI-Street addy. Oh well, here is a copy and paste from the e-mail:

Mild Salsas:


2 c Tomatoes, diced

1/2 Avocado, large, diced

1/2 c Red onions

1/2 c Cucumbers, diced

2 tb Coriander, fresh, minced

1 tb Lime juice

1 ts Olive oil

1 ts Chili peppers, minced




1 1/2 cup tomatoes, chopped; peeling optional

1/2 cup onion, red, minced

1/2 cup bell pepper, red, minced

1/2 cup bell pepper, green, minced

3 tbsp cilantro, minced (optional)

3 tbsp olive oil, extra virgin

1 chili powder

1 cayenne


Combine the tomatoes, onion, peppers, cilantro, and garlic in a medium bowl. Stir in oil, chili powder, and cayenne to taste. Yields 2 1/2 to 3 cups.



LowFat Salsa:



Tomatoes - 4 to 5

Shallot - 1 (peel and dice)

Garlic - 2 cloves

Basil leaves - 1 to 2 tablespoons

Olive oil - 2 teaspoon

Green chilies - 2 to 4

Salt and black pepper

  • In a food processor, whizz the shallot, garlic, and basil until finely diced.

  • Halve the tomatoes, and add into the food processor. Process until the mixture is well blended, and coarsely chopped.

  • Add in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Run the processor until it's well mixed.

  • Finely dice up the green chilies and mix in with the sauce.



1 Cn Stewed Tomatoes (14 Oz.) -- sliced

2 Large Green onions -- snipped*

1 Large Ripe Tomato -- cored and diced

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

1 Ds Tabasco=AE Sauce -- or to taste


Cut up stewed tomatoes and combine in saucepan with onions, fresh tomato,

salt and pepper. Bring just to a boil. Boil hard 1 minute and remove at once

from heat. Put half of mixture through blender just to mince fine but not to

puree. Return to remaining half of mixture. Cool and refrigerate in tightly

covered container to use with a few weeks. Freezes well to use within 6=



NOTE-For hot salsa, add 1 ts canned green chopped chilis or to taste,

freezing unused chilis to use in other recipes.




Also included are 2 recipes that you all might like:


Artichoke Chicken:


1 can (14 0z) water packed artichoke hearts, well drained and chopped

3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

3/4 cup mayonnaise

garlic powder to taste

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts


In a bowl, combine the artichokes, cheese, mayonnaise, and garlic powder. Place chicken in a greased baking dish. Spread with artichoke mixture. Bake, uncovered at 375 degrees for 30 to 35 mins or until chicken juices run clear.


Simple Chicken and Bell Pepper Dish:


2 x medium sized tomatoes, chopped to desired size

2 x 10 to 12oz can of chicken broth (or make your own if you prefer)

1 x large green bell pepper, cut to preferred chunk size

1 x large yellow bell pepper, cut to preferred chunk size

1 x large red bell pepper, cut to preferred chunk size

1 x small yellow onion, cut to preferred chunk size

(cheater option: pickup a medium sized bag of pepper stir fry mix in place of the onion and bell peppers)

4 x boneless skinless chicken breast, cut to preferred chunk size (faster cooking time) or leave whole

A dash of:

  • Chervil

  • Oregano

  • Cardamom

  • Black Pepper

  • Garlic

In a wok or skillet ( I prefer to use my electric skillet), on low to medium heat, cook chicken until it just starts to turn light brown.


Add-in bell peppers, onion, tomatoes, chicken broth, Chervil, Cardamom, Black Peppet and Garlic; cooking on medium heat, stirring regularly, for 15 minutes.


Turn heat to low, add remainder of chicken broth and Oregano and simmer for 20 minutes.



never got any emails from ya

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How in the heck do you remove the--> safely remove hardware. From the windows tool bar, when it's your raid config with your boot OS? It's driving me nuts... :confused:


Whats your os?


I got win2k pro / Advanced Server, I just right click it, select "unplug or eject hardware", then in the window that comes up there is "show unplug and eject in windows taskbar" option that can be unchecked(bottom of window). The only downside is now I have to go to Control Panel -> Add/Remove hardware to be able to eject a usb device.


Bugged me too. If that don't work on XP, then I have found 1 more reason to dislike XP.


it's a thankless job


Thank you.



I know you weren't fishing for that, but you're going to get it anyway.

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Whats your os?


I got win2k pro / Advanced Server, I just right click it, select "unplug or eject hardware", then in the window that comes up there is "show unplug and eject in windows taskbar" option that can be unchecked(bottom of window). The only downside is now I have to go to Control Panel -> Add/Remove hardware to be able to eject a usb device.


Bugged me too. If that don't work on XP, then I have found 1 more reason to dislike XP.




Thank you.



I know you weren't fishing for that, but you're going to get it anyway.


XP pro sp2

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honestly, my suggestion is to continue going to school to get your degree and stick with being a Nurse as you will make more money in the long run, and get better benefits.


Make more money... yes. Get better bennies... probably. But I don't have to quit being a nurse. I can work part time as a nurse so I can maintain those bennies.


I'm sure everyone thinks our computer tech jobs are all fun and games but honestly...they are not. As a nurse, you know what is right and wrong and only have to argue with a couple of doctors to get your job done right.


HOLY GROSS MISCONCEPTION BATMAN! Not only do we have to argue with the doctors... we have to listen to every sick person on the floor (and some off the floor) whine and complain, every family member of every sick person (who, if its possible, know even less about what is going on than PIBKACs) whine and complain about stuff like why momma isn't getting to eat (even after I explain to them for the 3rd time that she is choking on everything and must have a tube placed in her stomach), my first night working in a hospital I had to help clean up a lady who had the SAME stuff coming out both ends and had it from the head of the bed to the foot, and then we have to deal with the addicts that yell "chest pain" when they've taken their prescription narcotics too quickly at home and know that this will land them some IV pain meds, and I could go on, but I think you get the point...


with us, we have to argue with 17,000+ users who are experts and know it all and are never wrong even when we prove them wrong.


it's a thankless job and I cannot wait until momma is done with college and starts teaching so I can quit and go on welfare and only play hockey and mooch off her



also keep in mind...being burned out happens to everyone at every job (even porno actors get burned out). But stick with it and work your butt off as much as possible in your younger years...because you want to be able to retire (hopefully you are stashing money away right now) when you are in your 40's and then begin really enjoying life, or at least starting your own business or taking a lower-paying job that is more satisfying (but you saved all that money you made so its not as painful)


Yes, I know what tech support is like. I do it for every one of the nurses at the hospital I work at for free. I repeatedly tell them not to buy computers from walmart and they wouldn't have HALF the problems they do, then the next day they'll come and tell me they just got a great deal on a $300 computer from walmart, and I'm like OK :rolleyes: ... good luck with that. A week later the hard drive in it fails and she has to ship the entire computer halfway across the world for a month to get it fixed. I didn't even bother saying I told you so...


I thank every customer support person who is helpful to me (I've only had a couple give me completely inaccurate information in my life which is pretty good since I've used it A LOT!! lol!). I don't know everything, in fact, this expert board has made me realize that there is actually WAY less that I know than I thought I did... I may take a stance and argue from a hypothetical standpoint to help me understand things, but I ALWAYS bow down to greater evidence (i.e.-what works, is most accurate, is most complete, etc.), and when it comes to something I'm clueless on I just shut up and listen. Don't figure I have a right to talk then...


I like figuring things out for myself as much as possible so I have done things like not knowing to use risers in the case on my first computer build happen to me. I didn't lose any hardware and it was a good chuckle for my dad who never would have suspected something SO basic was my problem so he never bothered to ask. We got a real good chuckle out of that one, and now you can too... :nod:


Well, the current plan is to finish my bachelors, get my nurse anesthetist (make ~ $150K/yr to start) by the time I'm 35 (I'm 28 now), and retire by the time I'm 50-55. But the money doesn't really mean all that much to me. I mean, yeah, I'm all for retiring early with enough to travel the world for the rest of my life (assuming we live frugally and there are no major life disasters), but frankly, I've been working full time and going to school full time for the last 3 years without more than a 2 week vacation from either work or school (the program I'm in is year round). I'm not exactly looking forward to another 4 1/2 yrs of the same. Ahhh, who am I kidding... I should just bite the bullet and buy DFI when I retire. :shake: j/k


But seriously, I am interested. Really. I don't have misconceptions about it all, I promise...

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Id stick with being a nurse. I mean my mother is a nurse, and full time she used to make a good bit of money and she got the benefit of saving peoples lives. So another thing you could do is you could be the techie on your floor/unit. You could get the "best" of both worlds.

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Thx for the quick reply, nuts it is...


One more Question, who would you(Devils) rather play in the first round of the Playoffs(Ottawa or Carolina)?

i guess I'd rather them play Ottawa since I know they can beat Ottawa...but they did shut out the 'Canes recently...thats pretty tough...hopefully they'll climb high enough to not have to play either team until the second round, assuming they make it that far =/

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Id stick with being a nurse. I mean my mother is a nurse, and full time she used to make a good bit of money and she got the benefit of saving peoples lives. So another thing you could do is you could be the techie on your floor/unit. You could get the "best" of both worlds.

yep, thats why I said stick with it


especially if you can make 150k a year. You say money isn't important, but its pretty awesome to have a lot saved up so you can retire early and not have to worry about living on social security (not that there will be such a thing when we hit 65)


work hard and put away as much money as you can while you can, then when you get older, you can sorta do as you please and not worry about where the next check is coming from


and you definitely do not want to do tech support...especially not when you are already a nurse and working towards an even better position in nursing

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i have just sent the most random email to the hotel i spent 10 of the best summers in, they are gonna think im nuts.


right when i was 10 we started going to AZ staying in the amazing Cambelback inn in Scottsdale baring in mind this was when i was 10 to 20 so quite influential years.


this is where i got the addiction to there hot sauce.


so taoday i sent this


Dear Sir/Madam,


I have a quick question I hope you can help with, I spent 10 summers as a guest at your hotel from 1990 to 2001 and as well as adoring the hotel and its staff I very much enjoyed the hot wings you serve both on the room service menu and by the pool.


I wonder if it was possible to get a recipe for the wings and sauce from one of the chefs?


I realize this is a rather odd request and if nothing else I hope it brightens up your day.


Kind Regards,





hopefully after who ever reads it is done laughing they will go ask the chef??

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i have just sent the most random email to the hotel i spent 10 of the best summers in, they are gonna think im nuts.


right when i was 10 we started going to AZ staying in the amazing Cambelback inn in Scottsdale baring in mind this was when i was 10 to 20 so quite influential years.


this is where i got the addiction to there hot sauce.


so taoday i sent this


Dear Sir/Madam,


I have a quick question I hope you can help with, I spent 10 summers as a guest at your hotel from 1990 to 2001 and as well as adoring the hotel and its staff I very much enjoyed the hot wings you serve both on the room service menu and by the pool.


If you manage to get it, which you probably will they are pretty good abotu sharing, you have to share it with me ;).


I wonder if it was possible to get a recipe for the wings and sauce from one of the chefs?


I realize this is a rather odd request and if nothing else I hope it brightens up your day.


Kind Regards,





hopefully after who ever reads it is done laughing they will go ask the chef??


If you manage to get it, you will have to share with me ;).

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