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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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redlines are Samsung UCCC as far as I know (or the Infineons that EB's are cant remember) and I got plenty of UCCC.


ive got a bit of 'blog' to put in here when i feel like it...it's about learning to skate, and more, learning to skate for hockey with hockey equipment and a stick. I took my first 'hockey clinic' class today and I felt like I'd never been on skates in my life it was so awful (hard).


But i like a challenge, and I like learning how to do something that is very hard. Once you learn how to do it though, its a great feeling to be able to hang with others and do those things together (like we learn how to play the latest vid games and then go play with others and have a lot more fun).


anyway...I'm seriously thinking I broke a bone up around my heart area as it freaking hurts like nothing I've felt before when I breathe deeply. I thought maybe it was just a sore or torn muscle but it feels like how others describe when they crack a rib (I've never had a single broken bone in my life nor any major injuries etc...but I was only physically active before I began smoking and doing other dumb stuff).


btw, I've completely forgotten about cigarettes. I've not had even the slightest urge. Jan 1st was the last one I ever had. 28 straight days and for the last 3 weeks I've not even given it a thought. I think a lot of that is that I am skating and getting physically active (and if it wasn't hockey, it would be softball/baseball in the summer, and basketball in teh cold months etc).


I can't honestly say I feel any better yet, but at the same time I know I feel better because of the no smoking thing combined with the activities I've done up to this point. I guess I'm not used to being old as I somehow keep thinking all of this will be just as easy as it was when I was 15 =/


At the same time, I know exactly (in a sense) what momma went through when she changed her lifestyle and lost all of the weight. It is extremely hard to make a serious change in your life. I DIDN'T want to quit smoking for years, so I just never did. This time, I just said "ENOUGH!" and made the complete mental change, which I feel is the only true way to do anything serious.


You can 'want' to stop doing something, or start doing something, etc...but you have to WANT to do it (or not do it) and you have to completely brainwash yourself out of thinking in certain ways. If I just didn't think about smoking, then I wouldn't smoke. Sorta like when I wised up and decided to stop getting into trouble or doing dope etc and just said "ENOUGH!" and never looked back. I've just not thought about cigs, and the few times I started thinking about them, I just slammed the mental blockade on and said NO MORE and then started thinking about other things, or doing something even playing an xbox game just to think about anything else.



Getting physically active is the same way. I have told myself for about 4 years now that I 'wanted' to get active again. I played baseball, basketball, football all through high school and was always an athlete and was always pretty good at any sport, and very good in baseball and basketball.


But I never really WANTED to do it you know...smoking, being lazy, I'd find excuses every day. I'd wake up and say 'today i need to go even for a 15 minute walk' and then would bail on that idea almost instantly for some reason or another.


I think for a long time I lost my drive. I'd say my 'will to live' but then you'd take it as suicidal but that isn't even close to what it means. My 'will to live' is more about living my life the way I used to when I had a lot less to worry about (ie being a kid or even a teenager or young adult lol). Having responsibilities + enjoying your life can be difficult, and depending on what you've gone through in life, it can be almost painful and impossible.


Every one of us knows that once you get into the habit of something, whether it is shooting heroin, eating kiwi fruit, getting on the internet, doesn't matter, a habit is a habit, that it becomes part of your life. Once it is part of your life, you have a hard time living without that part, because life is really made up of many different parts that we subscribe to each day we wake until we go to sleep.


I've just finally decided that I DO have a great job, I DO have a great family (including Carly), I DO have a lot that I still want to do, and I DO want to get back into doing something other than laying around the house even when I am not working lol.


I've decided that it's DO TIME heh


or as on Seinfeld, IT'S GO TIME!


anyway, more later, I'm off to do something else for a while (I've begun to enjoy my weekends instead of being glued to the computer)


see you a in bit when I wander back in here

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Yeah, sounds like y'all got a cracked rib, AG!


I can empathize with the "want to do it" thing.


I hadda do that last year when I broke my hip + clavicle. I was stuck in a rehab facility/nursing home and couldn't wait to get out of there! Everything they had me do for therapy, I did as least twice as many as I was told to do, no matter how much it hurt!


And Jebus wept, it hurt like a mother, but I got out of there almost a month earlier than what it should have taken! The PT's were amazed!


One thing I used for an incentive - the day I had that accident, I had just received my nF3 250TGb + Sempy! I hadn't even opened the box yet! So, I had something to look forward to when I got out!

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So, i live alone, and decided to go shopping instead of doing fast food, and pizza thing. I stumbled across an all-time favorite for any age. Oreo's... As I walked through the aisles of Vons supermarket, i stumbled across another odd but delicious favorite... Chips Ahoy!


So, question for both of you... Oreo's or chips ahoy and why?

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Both..... because they are good ?


So it it the Ego and the ID ?

Or the simple existence of being ?

Who wins ? Who keeps score ?


Why don't they play the commecial I remember from the 70's *(a cartoon) about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a toostise roll pop ? (dratted Owl, always beat me at three~! )


Why can't I find a sealab 2021 promo that is awesome ? *(thats miffing me)

*(its a portugeese song thats simply candy to the ears.)


Why is why ?

*(hate to be a Duallard, but back the the Inquireing minds wan't to know speil.)


Why is embolden better than emblazend ?

*(cause its easier to read) and requires fewer stictches ~! ~! )

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So, i live alone, and decided to go shopping instead of doing fast food, and pizza thing. I stumbled across an all-time favorite for any age. Oreo's... As I walked through the aisles of Vons supermarket, i stumbled across another odd but delicious favorite... Chips Ahoy!


So, question for both of you... Oreo's or chips ahoy and why?



Nutter Butter

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Both..... because they are good ?


So it it the Ego and the ID ?

Or the simple existence of being ?

Who wins ? Who keeps score ?


Why don't they play the commecial I remember from the 70's *(a cartoon) about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a toostise roll pop ? (dratted Owl, always beat me at three~! )


Why can't I find a sealab 2021 promo that is awesome ? *(thats miffing me)

*(its a portugeese song thats simply candy to the ears.)


Why is why ?

*(hate to be a Duallard, but back the the Inquireing minds wan't to know speil.)


Why is embolden better than emblazend ?

*(cause its easier to read) and requires fewer stictches ~! ~! )





because the 70's were...in the 70's ;)


I've got a version of the song for ya...email me (i totally love the song too)


because it is


i always thought emblazoned was better then emboldened, but that's just me

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So, i live alone, and decided to go shopping instead of doing fast food, and pizza thing. I stumbled across an all-time favorite for any age. Oreo's... As I walked through the aisles of Vons supermarket, i stumbled across another odd but delicious favorite... Chips Ahoy!


So, question for both of you... Oreo's or chips ahoy and why?


Fudge covered Oreos wins everytime, but I do have a weakness for the soft Chips Ahoy. The oreos combine the vanilla and chocolate rather nicely though and plus my chocolate chip cookies taste better than any old chips ahoy ;).

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Both..... because they are good ?


So it it the Ego and the ID ?

Or the simple existence of being ?

Who wins ? Who keeps score ?


Why don't they play the commecial I remember from the 70's *(a cartoon) about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a toostise roll pop ? (dratted Owl, always beat me at three~! )


Why can't I find a sealab 2021 promo that is awesome ? *(thats miffing me)

*(its a portugeese song thats simply candy to the ears.)


Why is why ?

*(hate to be a Duallard, but back the the Inquireing minds wan't to know speil.)


Why is embolden better than emblazend ?

*(cause its easier to read) and requires fewer stictches ~! ~! )



In my case, the id most of the time ;).


It could be just that too


I wish they played that commercial too!


There is also the english version that Jane Monheit does, but the Portugeese version is much much better. AG and I searched and searched till we found it one night.




I like the way embolden sounds rather than emblazend.

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