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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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What is death? Can anything be utterly destroyed? Or does one form follow another?


Faith grasshoppa.

i think death is a different thing for everyone. but the death of our physical being is still amusing to debate about.


i think death of body and death of conscious are two different things. i think that the body's death in non renewable. i think that our consciousness is connected to everything... just like string theory explains that a particle is measured as a point in time, it's also connected to other particle by whats described as string theory. this could explain reincarnation. which for some nagging inner feeling that moves my soul, i believe in.


so possibly what the bible may say as once we transcend our bodies and go to the proverbiall "heaven" (which the belief of a perfect promised land is hard to believe with such an analytical and maybe pessimistic mind, like myself) we will understand ourselves on another level; maybe it's that our consciousness which may be made of electrons and connected to all other electrons in the universe, maybe thats how we transcend our known selves and understand the universe and ourselves on blissful level. maybe?



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AG - i feel exactly what you're saying... cept when you start going off on the unrealistic space sci-fi stuff.


i drive a honda accord, stick shift, and i don't "hot rod" with it as gas is expensive. really expensive for me since i'm on a fixed income. i just watched a television program on Discovery's Science Channel and there are several alt fuels and propulsion concepts in the works. for instance, the hydrogen supercharged fuel cell engine; which looks to be the most promising. the small 1.0L engine works in combonation with a fuel cell that puts out around 85K/w an hour which equates to roughly 110h/p. the vehicle gets 80mpg, uses the electric motor for city driving and even gets a recharge from braking, the engine is used for restoring the fuel cell as well as when more power is needed, but mostly it's used for highway driving, in other words, cruising speeds. this is just one concept that is in actual use from honda right now. the use of hydrogen is being introduced because it uses 40~60 percent of it's energy while petrol uses only 30~40 percent of it's energy.


but my original question isn't limited to just future transportation, my question implicates the whole of our universe. it's Newton's Law on a micro scale instead of a macro scale. this is the current unknown, how gravity will behave in a micro sub atomic atmosphere. implications from this discovery includes future transport but will effect our known universe. take Bell's Therom for instance; using photons as our guinea pig, the lab test goes - if you take the photon partical, blast it apart into electrons move them from one end of a building (or universe) and suddenly switch the polarity of one electron from that photon, the other electron suddenly switched to the opposite polarity. this is an example of String Therory. classic science tells us the particles are just that, pin point electrons that keep thier own frequency and orbit around the nucleus, but the string therory of Bell's Theorem explains why sometimes, with no outside force, that an particle will "jump orbit" to the sub atomical level. so, in other words, a photon particle is a point of light that which vibrates, this vibration, when looked at properly, shows us a sine wave.


so basically, as the question goes, "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see or hear it fall, does it really fall?" the answere is scientifically proven, yes indicated by Bell's Theorem and lab experiement of splitting the photon particle.


see, now this is incredible new science. now we need to know how our basic laws of physics works at the micro sub atomic level. i chose gravity as one example of macro physics to examine in micro quatum physics. i imagined that if we knew how sub atomic gravity works, then we will be able to evolve past our current energy needs.





here's how i feel about theoretical physics


useless compared to the instant, very important needs of today, the "now now now now" effect.


If it takes 100+ years to figure out how things work on teh subatomic level...who is going to be around in 100+ years to figure this stuff out if we keep going the way we are going (destroying ozone, mowing down all the petroleum resources, having wars over the resources, etc)?


Theoretical physics is great, don't get me wrong. Momma will tell you that I am addicted to the Science Channel and watch crap about stars, planets, gravity, theoretical physics, all that great Carl Sagan/Stephen Hawkings stuff.


But its moot and honestly its useless unless we change our ways NOW. We need solutions, REAL solutions...NOW.


Not some nerds in lab coats trying to get some tachyons to travel backwards through time or faster than the speed of light. This isn't helping us at all, and the time it takes to make ANY real gains from this type of research is a waste of time in such a situation as we find ourselves in now.


Knowing how the universe works at a subatomic level doesn't lessen our dependence on oil, nor does it repair the damage done to the planet, nor does it even find a cure for AIDS.


I don't mean to sound harsh, because as I said, I love crazy Science Channel stuff...but it isn't realistic to think we are going to use it to solve our NOW problems.


as for cars already using alternative fuels...


imagine there are 15,000 or so Hybrid vehicles


and maybe 5,000 vegetable oil vehicles


and maybe 25,000 government or other vehicles that run on propane


and maybe 5,000 or less hydrogen fuel cell vehicles


thats all fine and dandy sure


but there are TWO HUNDRED MILLION gasoline engine vehicles.


50,000 vs 200,000,000

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Why is Strawberrery Rubarb pie superior to plain strawberry pie ??


What is the meaning of the universe ?(DOUglas Adams (Hitchhikers guide....) )


Why is the Shoe lace alwaYS Breaking on my boots ?

Why did the three of us (co-workers) eat 5+ lbs of pork and steak *(W/no fixins) before an easy day tomorrow ?


Why do people live in the North ?

'tis it an inherent fear of misquitos, or what ?



A_G, why are you so hillarious on a rant ? *(maddox inspired and props for verbosity )... You should see us good old boys on a mission.... We excell in the moment of being.


What level is the End intarwehb boss on ? I made it a long way ad still I can't beat teh "connecton failed " guy.


(feel free to answer with the approptriate irreverent spritit.)

(yes, the dark side is strong in us all ?)

When will they win in the Star wars Movies ?

*((D0 not s spoil it,m I read all the books.!~!_)


Rubarb is frikkin NASTY lol yuk


meaning of the universe?


because your shoelaces are not BOOTLACES (sheesh that was an easy one lol)


because you have a thing for meat? a little caveman gene that wasn't recessive in you and your buddies?


people live in the North for the same reason they live in the South, West, East, and whever else




I love to RANT...its why I have the nickname "Angry"...stupid people drive me insane, yet I am just as stupid (so maybe I drive others insane)


end-boss on the internet...you'll have to find him yourself (its a test of skill)

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This is what i plan on telling her (And yes i drew from your wisdom)


" Look babe. I have a gf right now and if were are going to continue sleeping together or you are entertaining any thoughts of things happening between us i need to know so i can let ash know i'm not serious with her. otherwise you are going to have stop touching me because i'm not going to end up hurting yet another innocent person who is caught up in the middle of us"



but like u i have left other g/f to get back with her b4 (we split for 9 months once) i never really found ne1 in that time i really truly felt anything for. and i ended up leaving a gf of about 3 months to get back with my ex. which when we got back together it was great for a long time. but newayz next time i talk to her i'm gonna tell her. ( monday hopefully, but the bad thing about monday is it's the 23rd which is the day of our aniversary {married sept. 23 and also met on sept 23} we celebrate each 23rd)



if u can offer ne improvements to my "speech" it would be greatly helpful. i wanna kinda have a "gameplan" going into this even though i can't even come close to predicting the outcome. thnx

you gotta do what you gotta do mang

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OceanSeas -


The biggest mosquitoes I ever saw were in CANADA! They'd pick ya up and fly away with ya!

Regular ol' Florida swamp 'skeeters would fly like HELL if they saw them Canadian 'skeeters comin'!

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AG, I am guessing you are a twenty-something.

When I was a twenty-something, I felt the exact same way, as I'm sure many of the "no longer twenty-somethings" here did.

I'm here to tell you, you aren't done changing.

I am now 44, and the single biggest regret I have in my life is that I never had children. Fortunately, my wife has three from a prior marriage, but they are all pretty much grown. (Youngest is 15). I will go to my grave never having known what is is really like to be a parent.

Never say "never".




I agree Of my greatest treasures in life are my 7yr. old son and his twin sister & brother almost 3yrs old I spent most of my younger years traveling, boozing it up and doing way to many drugs. I was in my mid 30's when I met my wife and became a somewhat decent person and started a family. I'm rich beyond belief...

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here's how i feel about theoretical physics


useless compared to the instant, very important needs of today, the "now now now now" effect.


If it takes 100+ years to figure out how things work on teh subatomic level...who is going to be around in 100+ years to figure this stuff out if we keep going the way we are going (destroying ozone, mowing down all the petroleum resources, having wars over the resources, etc)?


Theoretical physics is great, don't get me wrong. Momma will tell you that I am addicted to the Science Channel and watch crap about stars, planets, gravity, theoretical physics, all that great Carl Sagan/Stephen Hawkings stuff.


But its moot and honestly its useless unless we change our ways NOW. We need solutions, REAL solutions...NOW.


Not some nerds in lab coats trying to get some tachyons to travel backwards through time or faster than the speed of light. This isn't helping us at all, and the time it takes to make ANY real gains from this type of research is a waste of time in such a situation as we find ourselves in now.


Knowing how the universe works at a subatomic level doesn't lessen our dependence on oil, nor does it repair the damage done to the planet, nor does it even find a cure for AIDS.


I don't mean to sound harsh, because as I said, I love crazy Science Channel stuff...but it isn't realistic to think we are going to use it to solve our NOW problems.


as for cars already using alternative fuels...


imagine there are 15,000 or so Hybrid vehicles


and maybe 5,000 vegetable oil vehicles


and maybe 25,000 government or other vehicles that run on propane


and maybe 5,000 or less hydrogen fuel cell vehicles


thats all fine and dandy sure


but there are TWO HUNDRED MILLION gasoline engine vehicles.


50,000 vs 200,000,000

i totally understand what you're saying as far as our need to change now b/c we are already in big trouble with the virtually antique combustion chamber engine.


BUT, that was never my question, i wanted to hear you talk about quantum physics and not just focus in on the worlds energy supply.


i love theoretical physics, it's a hobby of mine. talking about current energy related problems is interesting as well, but that's not really where i'm coming from.


i want to learn more about quatum physics and was hoping someone else would like to discuss it with me.



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i want to learn more about quatum physics and was hoping someone else would like to discuss it with me.


well, just because I am a nerd doesn't mean that I'm so into star trek dork physics that I can discuss it (and besides, it reminds me of nerds sitting around arguing about a +3 Lightning Charge spell in AD&D games at game conventions...i just want to punch them ya know?)


I dig it, but I'm not a scientist, will never be a scientist (unless I get my degree in sexology) and that stuff will always be beyond me (like Linux).


Maybe some other nerd around here is that big of a geek...



(you got to read this like it's Harry Carrey, the baseball announcer from the Chicago Cubs heh)


hey...wouldn't it be cool if you found a husband that was as big of a dweeb as you? (that is not intended to be insulting...i know I am a nerd, dork, dweeb, poindexter...and I'm actually proud of it lol)

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so possibly what the bible may say as once we transcend our bodies and go to the proverbiall "heaven" (which the belief of a perfect promised land is hard to believe with such an analytical and maybe pessimistic mind, like myself) we will understand ourselves on another level; maybe it's that our consciousness which may be made of electrons and connected to all other electrons in the universe, maybe thats how we transcend our known selves and understand the universe and ourselves on blissful level. maybe?

Dang.. I already knew you were smart, but this really impressed me. :) I don't necessarily believe the bible literally either. I wish I could discuss quantum physics with you as it intrigues me and I have read up on it a little bit; but I'm not a true geek. I'm a former jock who just happens to really like computers. ;)

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OceanSeas -


The biggest mosquitoes I ever saw were in CANADA! They'd pick ya up and fly away with ya!

They must be related to the Alaskan skeeters. I was helpin build a power line island to island around Juneau the summer of '79 and I swear I saw a horde swoop off with a bear cub!

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