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Could an African Swallow carry a coconut?


ANGRY_GAMES: Halt!! Who goes there?


ExRoadie: It is I, ExRoadie, from the castle of AMD. King of the Overclockers, defeater of the Intel, Sovereign of all !


ANGRY_GAMES: Pull the other one!


ExRoadie: I am, and this is my trusty servant Patsy. We have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of Overclockers who will join me in my court at AMD. I must speak with your lord and master.


ANGRY_GAMES: What? Ridden on a horse?


ExRoadie: Yes!


ANGRY_GAMES: You're using coconuts!


ExRoadie: What?


ANGRY_GAMES: You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em together.


ExRoadie: So? We have ridden since the snows of winter covered this land, through the kingdom of Mercia, through...


ANGRY_GAMES: Where'd you get the coconuts?


ExRoadie: We found them.


ANGRY_GAMES: Found them? In Mercia? The coconut's tropical!


ExRoadie: What do you mean?


ANGRY_GAMES: Well, this is a temperate zone


ExRoadie: The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land?


ANGRY_GAMES: Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?


ExRoadie: Not at all. They could be carried.


ANGRY_GAMES: What? A swallow carrying a coconut?


ExRoadie: It could grip it by the husk!


ANGRY_GAMES: It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut


ExRoadie: Well, it doesn't matter. Will you go and tell your master that ExRoadie from the Court of AMD is here?


ANGRY_GAMES: Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right?


ExRoadie: Please!


ANGRY_GAMES: Am I right?






Sorry, I couldnt resist.... :)

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Momma: I played Diablo II, for years, raised 16 chars, I believe 6 of them to 99, back when I had more free time. All had stormshields, and their equivilant ultimate uniques, aka zon had windforce, sorc used winspike, although I had oculus, but I was PVP, I prayed for 1.10, to kill the hacked items, since I was legit, however they also killed the game in my opinion with incredibly overpowered runes, and killing leech etc, basically killing 1.09 competative pvp players. And my good old stash of 120 SOJs lol back when it was currency. Anyhow I would love a D3, however I highly doubt it, since the disbandment of Bliz North, Hellgate London looks promising, but dunno. My Diablo hopes are pretty much gone, and sicne D2, haven't played that type of game (DS i plated offline only), as well as my faith in blizzard dwindled. Their quality, and attention to detail is great, however making P2P, and going agaisnt the idea of B.net is what displeased me. Sure they need to make money, but still hehe, but I hate monthly fees. They limited Diablo I, to one channel, killed star craft, to stop the server lag, they limited amount of units further, which destroyed the good old Carrior massing etc, as well as other combos, which led to low unit massing again, and even that can't be done, I guess I got used to playing previously so its hard to change. SC was fun as well, had fun in early ladder, and vs kbk, but it was killed in my opinion as well. We can hope for a D3, but dunno doesn't look good heh, you can check out some good info www.diabloii.net.


AG: Tylenol + Niquil + Headache = Dragon Flower International.

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(you must read this last answer in bad Russian accent...like Ivan Drago from Rocky5 or something)

Sorry to hear about your mom. :( I used to visit my best friend in Salem, OR when I was in the Army in 'Frisco 20-odd years ago. I really liked Salem - the feel of the town . How does Boise compare I wonder? That last part was perfect - I imagined Drago's accent in my head the whole time. Perfect! LMAO It also made me think of the movie about the '80 US Olympic team. I graduated from hi school that year and remember watching them win. :D

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Momma: I played Diablo II, for years, raised 16 chars, I believe 6 of them to 99...I prayed for 1.10, to kill the hacked items, since I was legit, however they also killed the game in my opinion with incredibly overpowered runes, and killing leech etc, basically killing 1.09 competative pvp player...Anyhow I would love a D3, however I highly doubt it...My Diablo hopes are pretty much gone...

Ditto. Had 3 accounts, still have 3 accounts, but only go in every once in a while to make sure my chars don't get deleted. DII was the bomb back in the day. I used to dream of the game and couldn't wait to get home from work to play it. lol

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Where does the white in the snow go when it melts?


Or if rain is so clear why does it urn white when it freezes...?


I don't see a problem with AG's and momma age difference...(from the 1st page of question)


I my self am 34 and my wife is 25....we also met on the internet...she lived in Texas... I went to meet her and she moved here to Indiana with me.... we now have 3 chilrdren together...We will bw married for 1 year on Feb 14 (valentines day) we have been together since september 15....4 days after WTC bombing.....

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The new phone book is here, the new phone book is here. Now I'm somebody.


Thanks Cy! I needed that laugh today.


ANGRY_GAMES: Halt!! Who goes there?


ExRoadie: It is I, ExRoadie, from the castle of AMD. King of the Overclockers, defeater of the Intel, Sovereign of all !

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i realized if something is gonna happen it will happen on it's own. if not then atleast i have a friend. she kept texting me last night when i was out with my new g/f. eventually she told me she was in town and wanted to talk. well she came by and we talked and i tried hard to resist but i just couldn't do it. she couldn't keep her hands off of me and eventually it led to us sleeping together. we r both seeing other people and you think you're doing good until you see/hear from the other person and then u just melt like butter. and the durn mixxed signals r driving me crazy. i know we aren't getting back together but she acts like we r together (in many ways) and she just can't keep her hands off of me. i guess for now i'll deal with a casual friendship. but eventually i have to put a stop to it. i mean the . is great (OMG) and everything but it's not fair to my new g/f (and obviously i'm not gonna tell her) it's just so hard to say no to some1 u care about so much.


one thing she said to me is she's gad she can talk to me and i not get upset. and also that i can talk to her and her "try" not to get upset.


just thought i'd tell u what was going on

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OceanSeasforMe:Why is Morrowind Elder Scrolls III such a cool game ?

Because you can kill people, steal their clothes, sell it to them, and they wear that dorky useless hat. Killing guards is fun!

Why did I recently find a copy in the 100's of games I acquired and get addicted to it ?

Boredom........ There's plenty of good games, however I find gaming used to be better back then, then now. Or maybe I am just playing 2D fighters for nostalgia :).


When and how do you beat the internet ?

The internet has been beaten, I heard the boss is pretty hard though

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Why is Morrowind Elder Scrolls III such a cool game ?


Why did I recently find a copy in the 100's of games I acquired and get addicted to it ?


When and how do you beat the internet ?


I'll take this one. :)


1. It's cool because you can cross-dress after stealing some random womans skirt. Then pose as her and beat her abusive husband with you bare fists.


2. Bethesda recently activated the 'find disk' spell so that you get readdicted to their world and are forced to shell out $60 for Elder Scrolls IV in March.


3. One of two ways. First, you could go to some nice little uninhabited island. If by chance somebody were to come bother you and they possess any sort of computer or cell phone, beat them with your bare fists (I hope ES3 gave you practive).


Otherwise (and this'd be more fun) use the 'possess internet' function that is built into windows as Bill Gate's personal safeguard against the government. You will need a powerful computer and at least a 24" widescreen display. I suggest overclocking to the extreme and keep it out of the positve temperature range. If all goes well your computer will absorb you where you can begin a series of Tron-like battles againts Gates and his cronies. If you defeat them all, you will be taken to a massive switch with the following options: 2, 1, and 0. It is currently set to 1 (as the internet is theoretically on...). 2 should not exist, and no one knows its use (other than maybe Al Gore). Switch it to 0, and the internet will shut off and you will return to your normal existence, though you will be left with permanent scarring from the experience. Be warned, however, there will be massive floods of forum goers and gamers that have nothing to do now, and they WILL hunt you.

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AG, I am guessing you are a twenty-something.

When I was a twenty-something, I felt the exact same way, as I'm sure many of the "no longer twenty-somethings" here did.

I'm here to tell you, you aren't done changing.

I am now 44, and the single biggest regret I have in my life is that I never had children. Fortunately, my wife has three from a prior marriage, but they are all pretty much grown. (Youngest is 15). I will go to my grave never having known what is is really like to be a parent.

Never say "never".



I am 32, and have already had children in a previous marriage.


I don't want any more.



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We both grew up in Idaho (southern Idaho near Nevada border)


Twin Falls? Pocatello?


Came back only long enough to see my mom and dad before going on to Portland. Unfortunately, 6 days after I came back, mom broke a hip and was diagnosed with bone cancer, and I stayed to take care of her.


I can't tell you how awesome that is, it says a lot about you!! I cherish my mother and when she passes it will be devastating to me! Both my parents have serious health problems also, and dad is totally disabled so we moved in with my parents to take care of them.


Right before she passed, I met Carly (momma heh...we met online at Yahoo! so my previous post about social sites is relevant again!), and we decided that after my mom passed on we'd move up to Boise so she could finish her last 2 years of college.


I also met my partner on yahoo, we've been together five years as of Nov 31 '05. We have been 'married' for almost four years and could not be happier.


I love momma's posts; you found a real gem, congrats!!

Twinkie Flats (only marginally nicer than Pocatello the craphole lol)

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