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Best Way To Stop Bleeding


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I just recieved 44 stitches on the underside of my left forearm last ngiht, not too deep, but enough to need em :( anyhow it hasn't really stoapped the bleeding, more or less slowed it down. anyhow everytime I pick something up it gets worse, I've already popped 1 stitch today, fixed that on my own (yes I know field medical treatment).


anyone have any ideas for stuff to put on this to make it heal up faster? possibly something besides gause bandage over the cut to help with the bleeding?

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I just recieved 44 stitches on the underside of my left forearm last ngiht, not too deep, but enough to need em :( anyhow it hasn't really stoapped the bleeding, more or less slowed it down. anyhow everytime I pick something up it gets worse, I've already popped 1 stitch today, fixed that on my own (yes I know field medical treatment).


anyone have any ideas for stuff to put on this to make it heal up faster? possibly something besides gause bandage over the cut to help with the bleeding?

Man How u manage that :O


Was it the guy how wasnt going to pay for your network services if so u should get a baseball bat and knee cap him :P

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Man How u manage that :O


Was it the guy how wasnt going to pay for your network services if so u should get a baseball bat and knee cap him :P

don't stop to pump gas on the wrong side of town. some clown wanted $$$ from me, and he tied the hard way. I got the better end of the deal with the stitches... he'll be needed some serious surgery and physical therapy to fix what I did to him.

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oww.....dude, not to be negagtive but you might want a good lawyer, me and a friend of mine got in a fight and he knew some martial arts and some dude hit him in the face and my friend used some martial arts.....(by the way, this fight never lasted any longer than 10 seconds...it was fast) and he broke this kids arm, elbow, and broke his nose and some of the cheek bones in the face, he had to have them replaced with a titanium plate but he got sued for like $5000 even though there were about 10 witnesses to it all saying the kid that almost died started the fight throwing a punch.

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he had the knife, I didn't. besides, the cops already let me go. this guy has been wanted in connections with several intances :)


btw if want a good idea of how it works, watch the first video on this site. I didn't get it anywhere near perfect, but enough to walk away.

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