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What Is The Minimum Specs For Folding


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I have four comps and two of them are just setting waitting to do something. I was going to run Folding @ Home on the two, but I need to make sure that one out of the two could run it. It is a little Emachine 446i pII. I know the other one will, AthlonXP 1700+. I'm also moving to Cali on the coast in the middle of no where and all I will have is cheezy dial up (really bad connections, like maybe 16-22kbps, until I get satillite network setup)


Could I run Folding @ home on the little Emachine and with the bad dial up...? I really won't to put them to good use and will be adding some more computers later.

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dialup should not matter too much and is minimal compared to the amount of time spent working on a wu. and yes your computer will be good enough to fold, it may or may not be fast enough to meet the deadlines so the results your comp gets may not be scientifically useful, but you will receive full credit (points) for the wus you complete.

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the computers that stanford uses to benchmark the wus before they release them is a celeron 500 mhz, so theoretically, if your computer is faster than that you shouldnt have any problems meeting the deadlines that they impose so long as you computer is folding i think it was, at least 12 hours a day. Theres more info on the f@h wu deadlines in the faq section of the f@h website.

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Minimum Specs. <_<


Well I'm currently running the console version on an old GA-586TX (2nd machine) equiped with an AMD K62 5x66mhz @330mhz (yes it's underclocked 66 is the top fsb :( )


Anyways a step takes about 30 min, yeah about 200hrs of non stop action for my K6 :lol: (8.3 days).


So the slower the machine, the more hours she has to motor (yeah baby! :P )


Sorry I got carried away somewhat, but you get the idea. B)

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Sounds good, Thanks for the info! I was going to run just Folding on the Emachine 466i and nothing else. I figured I have it use it, but I will strip it down to limit any overhead on the cpu first. The other one I will be running Folding on it mostly and It has an 1700+ XP pro and 512mgs, so I will get better results with it. ( Any know issues with running Folding on WinXP Pro, I mean XP is like WinMe on brain medication )... :lol::lol: I will run Folding on this puter (sig) also but not as much until I build another in a few months. Not done overclocking this one yet!!! :lol:


On that note, what would be the best but cheapest motherboard running just sdram for AthlonXP 1700+, onboard video, and sound and clockable? I was thinking about building a few more PC to run 1700+s and clock them up to and have them Folding @ home with like the minimum of hardware and just throw Win98 on each of them or WinXP and reinstall after the 30days are up and not activate them....I don't know If I should have said that...Tell me and I will edit.. :lol:

Edited by skibar350

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Sorry, this is just a note on my post about the P1 MMX 250MHz! Its doing a step every 34 minutes on a 400 step WU, thus its going to take 13600 minutes, which is almost 227 hours, which is 9.5 days! The deadline is in 14 days! So you should be find as long as you don't use something as slow as my folding computers :lol:

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