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Guys I Need Help Quick!

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Crap man this sucks! (My computer specs are in my signature) Ok heres the story. I get my athlon xp 1700+ dlt3c jiuhb in the mail, and its been around two weeks since i got it. I however just today decided to install the cpu. So i take everything apart, install the cpu. and i get it up to 190x11 no probs. the i try to make the jump to 195x11, and nothing, so i figure ok ill up the vcore to make it more stable, so i up it a little, and still nothing! So i figure its gotta be the ram holding me back, so i bump it down a little bit. And still nothing! then it gives me some error about a bios checksum error, so i restart it, and it tells me the system was shutdown incorrectly press delete to enter bios and change settings, so i do, then i restart and nothing still! Only this time when it boots all i get is some text in the upper left telling the bios version of the radeon 9700 pro? So im like, what the hell? so i restart, and now i cant even get an error message, Ive even tried clearing the cmos, but that hasnt worked either. So i figured i must have fried the chip, right? Wrong, i put my old chip back in and i still get nothing!! The strange part is, when i press the power button it turns on like normal, all the lights flash and the cpu fan spins, but nothing shows up on the screen! That is what usually happens when you need to clear the cmos, but ive tried doing that and it doesnt seem to work! Im not sure what to do! If anybody has any ideas about what could be going on, Please post! I dont care what your thoughts are, anything at this point will help! Just post some thoughts. Especially if youve had any similar experiences, or if youve fixed a problem like this.

Edited by andrusk

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try taking the cmos battery out for a few hours sometimes it takes a while to clear it also unplug the computer to for next time take your time oc you cant max your pc in one day.

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try taking the cmos battery out for a few hours sometimes it takes a while to clear it also unplug the computer to for next time take your time oc you cant max your pc in one day.

thats what i was afraid of. although, i forgot to mention that the computer was running just fine at 190x11 for about two hours, then ..... kurplat!! I do believe you can max it one day, i have before. The only thing that baffles me is that, all the other time ive tried to clear the cmos it only took the amount of time it takes to put the jumper in the clear position and then put it back to default. So i dont know why, suddently i would have to leave it off for a long time, when its never taken that long before. Oh well, i will leave it unplugged for the night and see if that helps the sitiation. If anybody else has any ideas, please let me know, i need to hear them!!!

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I tried holding down the delete key while booting but it didnt work, And i dont think that f8 would work either cause i can even get to the bios screen, how am i suppose to get to safe mode? Anyway I contacted asus, and im gonna see what they have to say, if i cant get it fixed maybe i can talk them into replacing it for me.

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your kidding about the asus service right? anyways check to see if anything is shorting the motherboard, like metallic objects such as washers or something like that. I had a problem where my computer would start up buy nothing would show on the screen because of some metal washers.

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your kidding about the asus service right? anyways check to see if anything is shorting the motherboard, like metallic objects such as washers or something like that. I had a problem where my computer would start up buy nothing would show on the screen because of some metal washers.

yeah ill check that too i guess. Ive always heard that asus customer service was top notch too, did you have a particularly bad incident with them or what? Anyway, Ill see if its being short out i guess. Im starting to pull my hair out here! The one thing that pisses me off the most, is that my computer isnt folding very well with all this down time!! Oh i can only imagine that points im losing!

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