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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Ncsa it could be due to too low temps with the LS. I tried the multi proc driver to get me temps up (instead of -25 idle in windows about -10 with multi driver) and it does better. Before i couldnt get over 345HTT no matter what timings/volts i used. With the slightly higher temp it will do over 3,5Ghz and i can have me mem at a higher mhz as wel. Mine doesnt like too cold temps.

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REQUEST - More dual core results guys! Maybe we should have an Opty dual core OC thread :nod: I have ordered a 148 but I'm thinking of grabbing a 175 instead if they are going to stop selling them. That means I may have nice new 148 for sale... :cool:

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REQUEST - More dual core results guys! Maybe we should have an Opty dual core OC thread :nod: I have ordered a 148 but I'm thinking of grabbing a 175 instead if they are going to stop selling them. That means I may have nice new 148 for sale... :cool:

I had wierd problems with my 175.

After trin 2 different mobos and 3 different psu's.


My vcore was never stable while stressing both cores and my overclocks went to the crapper.


I could turn on all monitors and all would show the same thing.I was running 2.75ghz @ 1.55vcore with 100% load on both cores and the vcore would fluctuate between 1.30-1.55.Dont know if I was just unluky or if its a problem with the cpus.Im willing to bet sence both cores cant access the memory at the same time..its a memory controller problem.


hopfully it was just mine and not all show this problem

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Thanks loc.o - I will have a look later to see what is loaded and add this in to try out if not.


It is unusual though as, like tatts, if I keep the Mem under about 260-265 then can do various combinations of CPU multi / FSB's.






But it could be due to cold... cheers


Ncsa it could be due to too low temps with the LS. I tried the multi proc driver to get me temps up (instead of -25 idle in windows about -10 with multi driver) and it does better. Before i couldnt get over 345HTT no matter what timings/volts i used. With the slightly higher temp it will do over 3,5Ghz and i can have me mem at a higher mhz as wel. Mine doesnt like too cold temps.

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I went ahead an ordered a 175 - LOL, I haven't even received the 148 I ordered...should be here Monday. Guess I'll be selling that one :rolleyes:

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Starting to get the hang of this board, but have a lot more to learn w.r.t. memory. Load temps at 40C. Wouldn't run these voltages 24/7, but it sure is fun right now. Going to try to prime at about 3125 or so. Once stable, will put together OCDB worthy screenshots, then wll get going on my 175 in a day or so.

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I think i'm doing ok now... I know I'm hot on the voltages, its the nF2 bleeding through. It's been up ~20 hours now, folding or sp2004 the whole time.




fyi - BIOS is 704-2BTA, I'm off to edit my sig now

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Hey guys, just joined the opteron club this week and I have to say I'm impressed. My CCBWE 0534SPMW is my best OC'ing and stable AMD yet and I'm very glad I went with it over a 4400+. I gave up on stability testing after dual priming for 27 hours...should be good me thinks:)

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ok hey guys, ive looked through this whole thread, and ive only seen 2 people post about Opteron 148 CABYE 0535XPMW, which is the core that i have, i just want to see what people have been getting on this core. i gotta go home and try a lover divider just to make sure my ram is holding me back but i seem to be stuck at 2.9ghz

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